Search results

  1. Sovran Nila

    Ask King Smurf

    Why aren't other people asking you questions? What did you do today? What will you do tomorrow? Did you watch any Anime today? If so, which? Have you made a lot of friends since you've moved? Are you single? Will you begin spamming, like I have? Do I spam enough?
  2. Sovran Nila

    Ask The Sovereign Master Of Spamifestation Anything That Your Little Heart Desires

    Instead of "best," let's say "favorite." My favorite is definitely the Nintendo Switch. If Ocarina of Time, and Majora's Mask, could not exist without the Nintendo 64, then the N64 would be the "best." :LUL
  3. Sovran Nila

    Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot

    This might finally be happening very soon! I'm not in the mood to complete Ni No Kuni II... I'm not in the mood to complete Ys IX... I started playing Northgard yesterday, and am enjoying it very much. I intend to beat the story mode, at this moment. After Northgard, I can definitely see...
  4. Sovran Nila


  5. Sovran Nila

    Suggestions, Requests, Issues 2.0

    Can you go into more detail? How would it be different than the current notification system?
  6. Sovran Nila

    Ask Super Saiyan

    Yeah, sell it and get Elden Ring. :LUL
  7. Sovran Nila

    Ask The Sovereign Master Of Spamifestation Anything That Your Little Heart Desires

    Odd, it's working fine for me. I'm curious if others aren't able to view it either then.
  8. Sovran Nila

    Ask King Smurf

    What's your favorite word?
  9. Sovran Nila

    Ask King Smurf

    What do you aspire your physical appearance to look like? Are there any celebrities that you hold in your mind as the ideal outcome? (Example, I aspired to look like Jason Momoa.)
  10. Sovran Nila

    Ask The Sovereign Master Of Spamifestation Anything That Your Little Heart Desires

    Well, what games do I currently have, would be a better question. Since the Nintendo Switch launched, I've had many, many games. I've either sold, traded, or given them away throughout the years.
  11. Sovran Nila

    Ask The Sovereign Master Of Spamifestation Anything That Your Little Heart Desires

    I have neither. I gave up on other consoles after the Nintendo Switch, as I pledge allegiance to Nintendo. I have only seen games on the PS5 in person, and they are truly phenomenal in the graphics department. I imagine the Xbox Series X is of the same echelon.
  12. Sovran Nila

    Ask King Smurf

    Why do you have so many different usernames? Out of all usernames, which one is your favorite? What will your next username be? What else would you like me to post about? What did you do today?
  13. Sovran Nila


  14. Sovran Nila


  15. Sovran Nila

    Who Is The Strongest Character That Does Not Use Ki?

    Which character in the entirety of Dragonball/Z is the strongest without using any sort of ki energy? We're talking about raw physical prowess.
  16. Sovran Nila

    Did Goku's Children Limit, Or Help Become Even Stronger?

    In truth, did Goku having children actually limit his true potential, or did it help him become stronger than he would have if he had not had children?
  17. Sovran Nila

    Did Goku Ever State If He Regrets Having Children?

    Has Goku ever mentioned if he regretted having children?
  18. Sovran Nila

    Can Goku As An Entity Ever Be Erased/Deleted/Terminated Completely?

    Is it possible for Goku's entity to completely cease altogether in the entirety of the Dragonball domain. Does that possibility exist whatsoever?
  19. Sovran Nila

    Why Did Goku Stop Using The Power Pole?

    For which reason did Goku stop using the Power Pole? Did he ever hand it off to someone else who could make use of it?
  20. Sovran Nila

    Who Is Your Favorite Scientist/Genius From DB/Z?

    Out of all of the scientists, and geniuses, who is your favorite, and why?