I actually believe Vegeta to be 500,000 or so against Jheese. He was being outclassed by Vegeta and even he couldn’t believe what his scouter was telling him. Plus, I think that Vegeta getting x5 more powerful from sleeping is baloney.
I think that Super Saiyan 4 would be better. Even Grand Kai says that SSJ4 Goku during his initial appearance is the strongest fighter he’s ever seen, so GT itself thinks that SSJ4 is better.
I think anything below 80% is pushing it. Same with Kamiccolo VS Initial Imperfect Cell or USSJ2 Trunks VS Warming Up Perfect Cell. The Android Saga gaps are too tight for this really.
I agree with you both. Chimps are more aggressive while Orangutans are larger. But that's why I believe that the Chimpanzee would win if not for the Orangutan being angrier.