GreatSaiyaman123 said:
I don't see how this proves SSJ2 Gohan wasn't retconed, if anything this supports it. Goku already knows Gohan has been slacking off, but at Dabura he's surprised at how much he slacked off. It shows he really doesn't know how strong Teen Gohan is.
What? It proves that standing ki =/= fighting ki, hence why Vegeta and Goku were later surprised on Gohan's performance against Dabura despite the fact that they already sensed him earlier.
GreatSaiyaman123 said:
And Potara is a different and improved way of fusion, so it doesn't count. I'm talking about Metamoriam fusions here.
You're wrong. Potara and metamorian fusion are both same type of fusion except its power boost and a different method, that's it. Are you telling me that Metamorian fusion removes an ability of a person? Seems to me this is just a desperation move from your part.
The fact that Vegito has no problem transforming into a SSjin is enough.
GreatSaiyaman123 said:
By a simple story-telling, what someone says should be true until contradicted. Why a simple story would have a statement that is supposed to be interpreted either way and confuse the readers?
Because later we saw Boo being arrogant for not able to see the difference between his power and Vegito and still thought he can beat him. What makes Boo so reliable on this stuff? If he can't tell someone is stronger than him then how do you expect him to make an assumption and take it seriously.
Gogeta never had a chance to disprove it, that's all. Until we see the fight then we can confirm that whether Boo was right or wrong but given his thoughts on SSjin Vegito, its likely that Boo was underestimating Gogeta.
GreatSaiyaman123 said:
He doesn't label the potara as the only way to beat Buu though and even brings it up after Vegeta breaks the Potara.
But the fact that he chose the Potara even though there's a better option still proves that Goku doesn't care about the metamorian just as Elder Kaioshin told him to.
GreatSaiyaman123 said:
You know, is really fucked up how Goku almost completely ignores the Fusion Dance for a eternal fusion. Perhaps he has a boner for fusing with Vegeta.
To be fair, Goku doesn't want Vegeta to return to after-life and if the Potara can do that then he'll risk it.
Chapter: 506 (DBZ 312), P8.1
Goku points out that if he and Vegeta aren’t merged, Vegeta will have to return to the afterlife
Vegeta: “Hmph…That’s better than being merged with you…Anyway, there shouldn’t be any need for us to merge anymore, right?”
Goku: “We can’t know that! There’s [no] guarantee that we’ll be able to successfully rescue everyone who got absorbed from here and return Boo to the very first one of all…!”
Note: when Goku finds the good Boo later, he calls him “the very first one of all”, so apparently that’s the form of Boo he means here too.