That's something I've kinda been back and forth about for quite awhile.
You have Gohan believing his "arm strength" increase might've been the secrets to the training. There's Kaioshin believing his Base power increase combined with Super Saiyan might be enough to handle Boo. Goku seems hesitant on admitting if Gohan has a chance against Boo...then you have Old Kaioshin like "nah".
So really, I'm not sure where Gohan should be. Just going off of visual evidence, I'd say the training might've put Gohan above Goku since Goku had trouble holding the sword. Some could say he just wasn't accustomed to it. Either way, I'm good with Gohan being above Goku there, on par, or slightly weaker. I just think it'd be silly to say he gained next to nothing from the training.