How far does he go?
1st Form Freeza
2nd Form Freeza
3rd Form Freeza
Initial 4th Form Freeza
50% 4th Form Freeza
100% 4th Form Freeza
Mecha Freeza
FnF Freeza
Golden Freeza (lol)
Something interesting that was brought up during a debate. What do you think?
Gohan stated that they don't have any Ki.
Chapter 337 (DBZ 143), P12.5-6
Context: after the androids blow up Yajirobe’s car
Goku: “Wh-what’s going on…?! I-I couldn’t sense any ki at all…â€
Does destructive power scale linearly?
Some say since e.g. Cell can destroy the solar system, anyone above him can do it as well.
A counter I've seen to that is Pure Boo and his big Ki blast which destroyed Earth. Apparently a Ki blast so powerful not even Goku and Vegeta could knock it back...
SSJ3 Goku fought evenly with Pure Boo.
M12 SSJ3 Goku (which is stronger than his canon counterpart) destroyed Fat Janemba.
I know this pretty much comes down to how much stronger you have M12 Goku over Boo Arc Goku.
Anyways, who wins?
So I'm in this debate with a person on Youtube (SSJRyu1). He insists that everything in the anime, including fillers are just as canon and reliable to that of the manga.
E.g. he says since Gohan-Boo can collapse the Universe (filler) he's a universe buster, which automatically makes anything...
YO YO YO it's Z to the B to the mofawking SUPPORT in the house.
yeah i have the best username ever, just admit it.
Anyways, on a more serious note. Some people know me as Stark/Event Horizon while others may know me as Merukandia.
I'll try to be on here when I'm not busy debunking stubborn...