LOL, it was one of the longer powerups in the series. It starts in chapter 294 while Piccolo is flying and ends only after Piccolo absorbs Nail and is flying over.
Because he can transform?!?!?!?!?
Also, you didn't answer my question. Are you scooty baker from Neo?
That's not how it works. We go by proven blatant things then implications
Gohan was SSJ. The art clearly shows this. And even Toriyama clearly bothered to show us difference between the two forms
Dabura being SPC level is not anything conclusive. Goku said Dabura is about as strong as Cell...
LOL so that entire power up sequence was nothing?
Freeza charged at Vegeta and was shocked that the latter could keep up with him
Btw, you scooty baker from Neoseeker?
He would never expect Gohan's power to rise above his own
Nope. Freeza literally powered up to full power a few panels before.
Besides, he was royally pissed at Vegeta ruining his wish for eternal life and dashed at him in pure rage. And still failed to overpower him.
Even then, Vegeta goaded Freeza into transforming. He thought they could still win...
I did. His response: It was all the powerups they received since Earth, where they were like 1K
and the same guy has the balls to say I am making myself look like a fool
Literally impossible
250 is less than half of 530. A one shot gap
Yet Freeza couldn’t overpower Vegeta. With such a gap Freezas first blow would have connected instead of the grapple scene
Yes I know. But the guy I debated this point on kept spamming that Ginyu has poor KI control, and so his attack didn't hurt
He also uses Daiz numbers of Krillin/Gohan being 13K and 14K respectively and I tried telling him that its impossible as Ginyu was having his hands full with Krillin...
Nice points all of you
Some clown on other debating site told me "i make myself look like a fool" for thinking Vegeta wasn't 500k immediately after his Recoome Zenkai