Recent content by Nèro

  1. Nèro

    Captain America (MCU) vs Batman (Nolanverse)

    No Bane did not use venom
  2. Nèro


  3. Nèro


  4. Nèro

    Ask Mystic

    What if you had a clone?
  5. Nèro

    TDKR Bane vs BvS Batman

    Batman cause of the warehouse scene.
  6. Nèro

    Buenas tardes

    Buenas tardes
  7. Nèro

    Ask Yoshi Anything

    Have you taken diazepam?
  8. Nèro


    Mass invite on FB
  9. Nèro

    Ask Yoshi Anything

    Have you tried Ritalin?
  10. Nèro

    Ask Yoshi Anything

    So you like dbzf?
  11. Nèro

    Ask Super Saiyan

    What's your cell phone provider?
  12. Nèro

    Ask Yoshi Anything

    Are you a virgin?
  13. Nèro

    Anakin Skywalker (ROTS) vs Darth Maul (TPM)

    Yes I believe he would because the points you've listed. TCW Maul however may be a challenge.
  14. Nèro

    Ask Super Saiyan

    Do you like Yoshi?
  15. Nèro

    Ask Super Saiyan

    Do you like Yoshi?

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FDR was a mixed bag but social programs hurts those who they are meant to help. LBJ said this is feature not a bug.
I stand with Mahmoud Khalil 🇵🇸