Recent content by Super Saiyan Overlord1007

  1. S

    Post a pokemon

    I'm REALLY glad that the sprites have improved over the years when looking at that..... They don't have dabbing skills as fire mine.
  2. S

    Ultra Beast

    What do you think of them. Also would you consider: Lunala/Solgaleo and Necrozma as Ultra Beast? As far as the game lore goes the cares mention they think that may be Ultra Beast (Kind of like how Type: Null/Silvally in the game lore is considered "Legendary" or special to a degree), but as far...
  3. S

    If you were a Gym Leader or member of the Elite Four...

    Which would you rather be? Which number would you rather be? What Type would you specialize in? Which region would you set up shop? What team would you run and moves would they have?
  4. S

    What is your definition of a "Pokemon Master"

    So as we know Ash has said numerous times that his goal is to become a "Pokémon Master", but in the arduous 20 years of the anime I don't think he's EVER given an explanation on to what that actually is. He says it's his goal but never properly explained it. Heck even the Pokémon Company...
  5. S

    Anime Mewtwo runs a Gauntlet

    Anime Mewtwo runs a gauntlet facing off other Legendaries from the Anime. 1. Legendary Birds of Kanto 2. Lugia 3. Entei (M3) 4. Groudon 5. Kyogre 6. Rayquaza 7. Deoxys 8. Darkrai 9. Mew 10. Arceus (All Plates) Round 1: No Mega Evolution Round 2: Mega Evolution allowed
  6. S

    Do you think the anime should end or change things up a bit?

    So the Sun and Moon anime is supposed to start in November and the Kalos league is right around the corner and should be starting at the end of the month. After XY(Z) we're going to the Alola region. Now I already know the Pokémon anime isn't going to end anytime soon, that's a given. So for a...
  7. S

    How does one become an Elite Four Member?

    Becoming Champion is pretty obvious, beat 8 Gym Leaders (Except for Gary Motherfucking Oak who beat 10 first time around), beat the elite four, than beat the previous champion. But how the hell do you become an Elite Four Member. Does someone come up to you and say "Hey, you are one of the best...
  8. S

    If you could change anything of each series to make it better....

    Change anything while keeping the main concept intact (I.E.). Original - Yugi & Yami Yugi's adventure to uncover Yami Yugi's past GX - Duel Academy 5Ds - Riding Duels Zexal - Rehashing the original's concept but with Yuma going from a shit duelist who couldn't duel his way out of the toilet to...
  9. S

    Signer Dragons vs. Duel Dragons

    I haven't read the 5Ds manga but it does recycle the same dragons Team 5Ds used. They have the same designs (with only a few minor differences like slight color change), they have the same ATK/DEF as their anime counterparts, same owner, but the only difference being their special abilities. So...
  10. S

    Favorite Monster Summoning

    Every series they've usually put out purely awesome summonings even before it was made into an eye candy spectacle, a lot of them were pretty good. What are some of you guys favorites? For me Original Series Yami Yugi summoning Slifer the Sky Dragon vs. Yami Bakura (One of the most epic...
  11. S

    Vegeta (Post Zarbon) vs. Dr. Wheelo

    So Vegeta after getting his zenkai and killing Zarbon is at 30K or around that, all of us can agree. Dr. Wheelo on the otherhand, I don't think I've seen where people place him too many times. Goku required Kaioken x4 to overpower him if I recall correctly (Similar to Vegeta on Earth) so I tend...
  12. S

    Favorite Songs

    Favorite Songs from the Game for Trainer Battles Gym Leaders Cities/Towns Route Elite Four Battle Frontier Champion Area that wasn't a route or cave Cave

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Father wrote on 最強のフュージョン's profile.
Bill Cosby will have the prep time that Pm. snake never had baby wooooooooo!!
Never watched that filler lol
INCORRECT, remember Princess Snake tried to sedate Goku and that shit didn't work