The bird's great, great, great uncle (lizard with a silent letter) is more powerful. He can speak English. Nobody who can talk ever lost to something that can't talk in DB/Z (nm, just remembered Kid Buu).
either couldn't run fast enough to keep up with Goku's fast jogging speed, or couldn't decide the moment to pounce so stayed behind him
can fly with arm strength for 2 seconds
extendable and retractable eyeballs - possibly an early android prototype of Gero's
snake-like jaw mobility
can't talk, but can roar
can jump 3-4 metres into the air
never flew
solid bones
mammalian respiratory system
can fly with wings, despite being very large
never jumped 3-4 metres into the air
probably has hollow bones
efficient bird-like respiratory system, better stamina
dexterity to tie a person to a tree
trash talking, but can't roar. Sounds educated
recognises human displays of emotion
took a hit to the head from a pole maybe 20m long without immediately losing consciousness
I think the tiger can jump at the lizard, the lizard gets scared because he can't jump away, then he remembers he can fly and flies 5 metres into the air. The tiger extends its eyeballs while jumping and swings its eyes into the face of the lizard, which hurts the lizard, but doesn't KO him. Plus now the tiger can't see - his eyes are just springs. DBZ is now a horror manga. The tiger wants to cry, but he has no eyes. The lizard sees its pained body language and asks "do you want to end it all?" and the tiger nods. The lizard uses its dexterity to inject the tiger with morphine. The tiger dreams of his days as a cub.

DBZ is now a melodrama.