Was why Kaioshin surprised on the ship? Can Kaioshin and Kibito sense ki?

Power Level Guy

High Class Warrior
Nov 11, 2023
I wouldn’t even call it a retcon, just a plain old plothole. I think I’m just being pedantic on how to use these words, though.

Personally I don’t even try to explains this, I just go with the overall vibe of the narrative. Kaioshin needs help, so he’s weaker. Gohan is objectively a SSJ vs Dabra, any implication of him being SSJ2 is bad writing.
Wow. Didn’t expect that.

What’s important here about Shin forgetting is that the ship can only make sense if he forgets.

The narrative requires Shin to forget to make the story rational. If Shin forgets Gohan’s ki, the story plays out literally perfectly.

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