What's the minimum percentage of the opponent's power one must possess to be considered helpful in a team battle against that opponent?


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Bare minimum seems to be between like 33 to 40%, assuming there’s a top dog rivaling the opponent.


High Class Warrior
Jun 9, 2020
Are you talking Krillen va 2nd Form Freeza?

I think we need to evaluate what is help and what is a distraction.
Should we infer from Jeice being helpful in Ginyu vs Goku that 50% is the minumum percentage? On the other hand, Jeice's interference turned the tables immediately, so maybe one can be useful with even less power. On the other hand, maybe Jeice wouldn't have been helpful if Goku had known from the beginning that Jeice would fight too.

Power Level Guy

High Class Warrior
Nov 11, 2023
Should we infer from Jeice being helpful in Ginyu vs Goku that 50% is the minumum percentage?
That's a good place to start. I think we can go a bit below that, but that's a good barrier to anything lower we need to scrutinize.

On the other hand, Jeice's interference turned the tables immediately, so maybe one can be useful with even less power.
Well, here's the thing. When two equals are fighting, damn near anyone will be helpful. Because all they need is a split second distraction.

We must categorize inferior fighting helping out as this, either truly being capable of helping, or just being able to provide a distraction.

On the other hand, maybe Jeice wouldn't have been helpful if Goku had known from the beginning that Jeice would fight too.
No, Jeice is going to be a problem for Goku either way, but mostly because Ginyu is such a problem for Goku.

Now the question is what if someone is like 90% of Goku and has Jeice's help? I'd say Jeice can definitely help. What if Ginyu was 80% of Goku? Now we are getting into interesting territory.

Remember, Dodoria and Zarbon can defeat Vegeta. So there's a lot of areas here that need to be fleshed out.

Team-up logic is it's own world.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
I don't think he ever admited to it, but I think Toriyama hated or had no clue how to draw group fights. Notice how there's always an excuse: Everyone is too weak, or the villain transforms, or he has back up. The closest we got was everyone vs Freeza, and even then it was mostly just buying time (Kuririn spamming Kienzan on Freeza, Gohan saving Piccolo, the Genki Dama scene).

Non-Toriyama stuff (Particularly Toei) makes more use of this, but it often makes no sense. I think Goku and Vegeta vs Metal Cooler is good, and Frost vs U10 is pretty unique.

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Who the fuck is this
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