Btw, the only reason I sent that PM to @GSM123 was because he called me a nigger.
Yeah I called him an incel but to call me a nigger over that was an overreaction here was before all those.
Funny how I didn't call you any racial slurs in any of my PMs here or on Neo, either.
And here's proof you being Anti Arab
Literally called someone a "retarded Arab". Then you randomly call me "Blackie" and later "nigger" here.
So yeah you're legitimate...
What about joking around in a racist way? Like if I wanna call you a spaghetti nigger or Kenshi a gook fuck referencing Yoshi, is that a no no as well? Cause, if I can say faggot, I'd like to be able to say other insults too if I am cracking wise. :trump
:trump first off, I think u guys are all some Curtis-worshipping neckbeards and that you guys are probably less of a burden to all of us by offing urselves. Second off, ur Lord Curtis is a nigger. Fuck all of u. Have a great day.