This line from old Kai:
Chapter: 504 (DBZ 310), P9.2-3
Context: as Vegetto beats up on Gohan-absorbed Boo
Kaioshin-Kibito: “H-he’s strong!!! Majin Boo there is helpless!!! To think that merging with the Potara would be this incredible…!!”
Elder Kaioshin: “Idiot, it’s because it was those two...
Why all the hype towards Doffy's awakening? It seemed pretty common, really, with even Pica displaying more than once similar feats with his stones:
There was...
Paikuhan stalemated FPSSJ Goku from Cell Games (who could be a bit stronger than in the CG, don't know) while Dabra fought pretty evenly with Boo saga SSJ Gohan. Who wins?
Paikuhan is aware of Dabura's split.
I think the perfect final would be after the Genki-Dama, with Freeza being killed by it and without Kuririn dying and the Super Saiyajin appearing. Do you agree?
Ryuma is limited to Brook's shadow. Both were able to give Zoro a good fight. Kaku forced Zoro to use the Ashura, though Zoro was probably a bit stronger in the fight against Ryuma.
Was Piccolo referring to just Gero or both Androids here:
Chapter: 347 (DBZ 153), P3.2-3
Piccolo: “It seems that in the original history, we were supposed to be wiped out by you two androids…But it looks like the future has changed somehow…Was it that you weren’t as strong as we thought?...Or...