100% Frost runs a saiyan gauntlet


Low Class Warrior
Dec 26, 2016
1. SSJ Cabba
2. SSJ Caulifla
3. SSJ Trunks
4. SSJ Gohan
5. SSJ Grade 3 Caulifla
6. SSJ Grade 3 Trunks

Being generous and assuming regular Final Form Frost is SSJ level for this thread (he clashed for a bit with SSJ Vegeta although he did hide behind Magetta at certain points to avoid attacks). 100% Frost would be above SSJ but he's got that energy drain to deal with. How far can he get with that considered?

Poison is restricted.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Assuming his regular 4th form is his 50% state, he clears. In terms of power, he gets up to Grade 3 Caulifa, but has the speed to stomp any Grade 3 SSJ. If his stamina doesn't get restored after each match though, he'd probably only get up to SSJ Trunks or Gohan.


Low Class Warrior
Dec 26, 2016
Captain Cadaver said:
Assuming his regular 4th form is his 50% state, he clears. In terms of power, he gets up to Grade 3 Caulifa, but has the speed to stomp any Grade 3 SSJ. If his stamina doesn't get restored after each match though, he'd probably only get up to SSJ Trunks or Gohan.

Eh. I actually think it's probably 70%. Frieza showed during his fight with SSJ Goku 70% was the upper limit Frieza could go without bulking up (he stated he was just using 70% when he used that kiai to push back Goku).

And even if it was 50% i'd say Grade 3 Trunks or Caulifla could beat him with the proper method. During his training with Vegeta Trunks switched between Grade 3 and SSJ. If either of them did that here (stay in SSJ to conserve energy and speed but use Grade 3 in short bursts like when a punch or kick is about to land) than they could outpace Frost over time.

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