I dunno. I currently have:
Freeza (initially) - 1,060,000
-- power up - 1,200,000
-- full power - 1,400,000
The first power up all we have is Gohan commenting his chi is getting bigger and Vegeta noticing he can control his power. I have it as an 89/100 increase. I find that enough. Goku was very surprised with a similar increase from Vegeta on Earth and we got a very flashing and impressive visual demonstration of Vegeta ascending to full power, going from ~16,000 to 18,000.
The second one, he goes from slightly below weighted Piccolo to a level he could deal with the latter with facilty. I find a 85/100 power up kind of doing the job. That's basically the gap between monster Zarbon and 24k Vegeta and that turned very ugly. Piccolo would be 1250 and 89% of full power 2nd form Freeza, and I find that enough to showcase the kind of dominance Freeza put on, on the grounds of Vegeta being too much for 16k Goku and even holding back his blast not to kill him.
Maybe I could push things a little and have Freeza at 1,500,000, having therein a more solid 83/100 gap over Piccolo, with Piccolo at 1.6M and 3rd form Freeza at 2,120,000 (exactly 2x his initial power) but it makes little difference to me.