A Reminder

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Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Just a friendly reminder that this a Dragon Ball forum. The Dragon Ball sections are used to debate Dragon Ball, we are not trying to discuss the future of a nation or something of great importance such as that. I get that debates can get heated, and things can be tense, I've been there and I've been aggressive with people myself in the past. I just ask you to look at what you are getting mad about - someone disagreeing with you on the power level of someone in a manga/anime, and realize that there are more important things that you can put your energy into rather than getting mad at people on here. Please try to make an effort to be more civil with people in all sections of the site, or else there will be punishment. This is a "no rules" forum, but seeing the amount of negativity and hate in those sections has made me realize that it's a shit environment. Let's work on fixing this, and like I've said in the past, you are not forced to reply to someone's post, question them, or argue with them. That is something done by choice, and if you feel that a discussion will head in a bad direction, end it while you are ahead and things are civil.

That is all.
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Speak for yourselves :zorc
If we could focus well we'd be doing other things
I have never been able to focus well : o