What would happen if Akkuman fired the Beam of Evil at Pure Evil Boo? Would he die? :wat
SSJ2 Zeta Elite Staff member Founder Joined Oct 12, 2014 Messages 67,082 Age 28 Feb 14, 2020 #1 What would happen if Akkuman fired the Beam of Evil at Pure Evil Boo? Would he die?
GSM123 Super Elite Member Joined Mar 26, 2017 Messages 15,361 Age 22 Feb 14, 2020 #2 Isn't Akkuman's ray beam stated to blow up one's heart? I don't think it would matter since Boo has no heart and can regenerate from atoms.
Isn't Akkuman's ray beam stated to blow up one's heart? I don't think it would matter since Boo has no heart and can regenerate from atoms.
Captain Cadaver Zeta Elite Retired Staff Joined May 31, 2015 Messages 27,967 Feb 15, 2020 #3 As GSM said, it blows up the heart. Whilst Boo probably has one since we see other organs inside Evil Boo's body, he can just regenerate and function without organs anyway, so it'd amount to nothing.
As GSM said, it blows up the heart. Whilst Boo probably has one since we see other organs inside Evil Boo's body, he can just regenerate and function without organs anyway, so it'd amount to nothing.