Any of you read the light novels? Toei could animate the manga cover pages and the light novels instead of trying to stretch out episodes


Jun 4, 2015
There are 26 - some based on the movies, some on anime arcs and others being original stories about various characters including the Strawhats, Ace, Law, Tashigi, Perona, Reiju and others.
They're not written by Oda, but Oda did the illustrations (some don't have illustrations and just use anime photos) and it seems he met with the authors to give them ideas, but let them use their own imagination.

In the anime, Usopp meets a man in Loguetown who tells him about Yassop and gives him a sniping challenge. It develops Usopp's character, shows him to be talented and fleshes out his relationship with Yassop. This was filler, but it's sourced from the Loguetown novel, rather than Toei coming up with it themselves. So I wonder if any other filler came from the novels?

They could adapt this stuff instead of showing characters walking on the spot or taking fifty hours for Doflamingo to stop being gay (he failed btw).

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