Beerus' statement need not apply for the manga canon, given Beerus' statement was anime exclusive. Even if treating it as canon, it needn't specifically refer to Goku's strength. Beerus saw Goku's appearance was different from what he saw of his SSJ self fighting Freeza and thus knew he didn't defeat Freeza in his base form. It's as simple as that.GreatSaiyaman123 said:Has any Base Saiyan surpassed Freeza on the original manga? Or is Beerus wrong? Why? Why not? Discuss.
From a good writing standpoint perhaps. From Toriyama's, having almost everyone worth talking about surpass the previous major threat has been a common trend since the 22nd TB.withheldforprivacy said:From a writing point of view, it makes more sense if Freeza is surpassed only by Kaioshins, Androids and Buu.
withheldforprivacy said:From a writing point of view, it makes more sense if Freeza is surpassed only by Kaioshins, Androids and Buu.
Captain Cadaver said:Beerus' statement need not apply for the manga canon, given Beerus' statement was anime exclusive. Even if treating it as canon, it needn't specifically refer to Goku's strength. Beerus saw Goku's appearance was different from what he saw of his SSJ self fighting Freeza and thus knew he didn't defeat Freeza in his base form. It's as simple as that.GreatSaiyaman123 said:Has any Base Saiyan surpassed Freeza on the original manga? Or is Beerus wrong? Why? Why not? Discuss.
As for evidence for the Base Saiyans' strength, we have Trunks being able to knock Future Cell back with a kiai and have him admit Trunks had improved (keep in mind Cell was prepared for an easy victory against what he knew of Trunks' strength from his fights with #17 and #18), Kids fighting evenly against #18 in a restrictive costume, Vegeta stating he'd still win the Budokai without SSJ despite knowing #18 would compete and the evidence for Base Saiyans > Shin in general.
From a good writing standpoint perhaps. From Toriyama's, having almost everyone worth talking about surpass the previous major threat has been a common trend since the 22nd TB.withheldforprivacy said:From a writing point of view, it makes more sense if Freeza is surpassed only by Kaioshins, Androids and Buu.
So was Beerus using 70% against SSG Galu.GreatSaiyaman123 said:The statement actually came from the BoGs movie that was wrote by Toriyama
He wouldn't have bothered looking around Goku's body if he were trying to sense his Ki. Goku usually keeps himself suppressed anyway when not in battle, so that wouldn't work.Don't you think assuming it's a comparison to his appearence sounds like reaching when Beerus can sense Ki?
He had no reason to keep himself suppressed when Trunks forced him out into the open and was prepared for a fight.I don't think the Kiai is much when Cell was suppressed to sneak on Trunks
I doubt it. Cell didn't seem to consider things completely hopeless, given how he never tried fleeing with the Taiyoken like against Piccolo.He looks like he's about to shit himself when he admits Trunks has powered up. Do you think that part implies Base Trunks is > Cell?
#18 competing would be common sense in Vegeta's eyes since he knows she's a fighter from first hand experience and would therefor be every bit as likely to compete as her far weaker husband. There was no guarantee he'd get pitted up against Goku before fighting someone such as #18, so he wouldn't say his victory was assured if that variable was a snag in his plans.CC, what makes you think Vegeta knew #18 was participating? Most people counter this by saying Vegeta didn't give a fuck about #18 and was simply comparing himself to the Saiyans on his statement. And he didn't even want to win the Budokai, he simply wanted to face Goku. He may had even quit the tournament had he faced Goku and won.
Shin paralyzing Gohan was an off-guard feat that Gohan didn't know the source of and only lasted a couple of seconds at best. His damage to Boo means little due to Boo just letting people damage him without care due to his regeneration.I've been kinda skeptical about the implications of Base > Shin nowadays... Shin was pretty much losing it in the Spaceship (He had already sensed SSJ2 Gohan and Goku told him Dabra was no big deal twice). Babidi's estimatives seem kinda flawed when Shin has some pretty good feats vs SSJ2 Gohan and Boo as well.
They were all suppressed, so I wouldn't say so. As for Piccolo, you could always assume he suppressed himself to a lower degree than the others due to his knowledge on the how dire the situation was if Kaioshin was scared making him more cautious.GreatSaiyaman123 said:What do y'all think of Babidi and Dabra calling Piccolo trash and the Saiyans marvelous energy? Does it imply Base > Piccolo > Freeza?
ahill1 said:I like to have base Goten and Trunks rivaling the androids saga SSJs. Sounds fair with their fight against #18.
Victorious said:base Goku, Gohan, and Vegeta at the Cell Games all one shot Freeza IMO. Goku and Gohan base can probably one to 3 shot #17 and #18 too. Though Vegeta and Future Trunks base may lose to #17 and #18.
I go with base Gohan Cell Games >> base Goku Cell Games > base Gohan Buu arc >> Base Trunks Buu saga > base Goten Buu saga ~ Android #18.
RoSaT gains for the Saiyans are just uber haxed. haxed to levels like Kaio's training in the Saiyan arc or the zenkais in the Freeza arc. Just uber hax power ups they got from RoSaT.
To be fair, his M12 self was probably post-Z Sword training.Pocket-God said:Fusion Reborn shows us clearly that even a weaker base Gohan can one-shot Frieza, yeah it's not cannon but still.![]()