Boo Reincarnation Into Oob

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
In-universe, yes, considering there'd be no way of getting Boo's soul under control.

For the narrative, however, not really. The idea of Goku training a successor he can also use as a way to satisfy his battle lust is good on paper, but what we got ended up not mattering due to it being a rushed finale that causes Oob's existence to just seem tacked on. It doesn't help that despite handing things over to the next generation being a main part of the Boo Arc, Goku never tried to find the solution in Gohan or Goten despite the former having gained a power up beyond Goku's limits and the latter having been raised in enough of an easy-going manner by Chichi that Goku would be free to train him. It would even have made up for Goku becoming the hero at the end of the arc again by him seeing that the next generation weren't quite ready, but he can help them make that step to make up for their failings. Instead, he does this through going away with a kid he just met.

Super may be able to fix this if going beyond the 28th Tenkaichi Budokai, though that's very doubtful given its track record for quality (or lack thereof).