

Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
This is something that’s a bit confusing to me. How big is his potential? He’s made out of cells from Saiyans and Freeza, does that mean he’s got more potential than everyone else?

Can he just absorb people and get infinitely stronger? Does he even needs the Androids to be so strong?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
By Super logic, he should have more potential than anyone else when considering how powerful Freeza alone can get through basic training. The only exception to this should be Boo, considering how the Daizenshuu describes Oob as being able to become a warrior the likes of which was unseen before if trained properly by Goku.
Cell could also abuse the Zenkai system even more than Goku black did, so he'd be able to advance fairly far. Even without taking Super into account, that's a surefire method to make him one of the strongest characters out there.

If wanting to plug a plot hole, you could even assume that some slight training like he did in filler before the Cell Games was enough to boost his full power from being below SSJ 3rd Grade Trunks to being far above MSSJ Gohan. Not impossible with what we now know of Freeza's potential.

GreatSaiyaman123 said:
Does he even needs the Androids to be so strong?
Cpnsidering #17's Park Ranger GAINZ, they help add an extra boost at least. :panties


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Captain Cadaver said:
By Super logic, he should have more potential than anyone else when considering how powerful Freeza alone can get through basic training. The only exception to this should be Boo, considering how the Daizenshuu describes Oob as being able to become a warrior the likes of which was unseen before if trained properly by Goku.
Cell could also abuse the Zenkai system even more than Goku black did, so he'd be able to advance fairly far. Even without taking Super into account, that's a surefire method to make him one of the strongest characters out there.

Would he actually have more potential than Freeza? While he's got Freeza's and Cold's cells they're only a fraction of him, and the Saiyan genes might hold him down.

Cpnsidering #17's Park Ranger GAINZ, they help add an extra boost at least. :panties

That leads me to another thing. If Imperfect Cell absorbs Park Ranger #17, would Semi Cell be blue tier?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
GreatSaiyaman123 said:
Would he actually have more potential than Freeza? While he's got Freeza's and Cold's cells they're only a fraction of him, and the Saiyan genes might hold him down.
Considering having the cells and data of Saiyan Arc characters, Freeza and Cold and still ended up above the SSJs from just that, I'd say the amount of genetic material taken is irrelevant, especially when they all merge to make the perfect combination (no pun intended) for a broken skillset.

That leads me to another thing. If Imperfect Cell absorbs Park Ranger #17, would Semi Cell be blue tier?
If we take GT into account, Cell seemed to think absorbing Galu would grant him a huge boost as evident from his expression as he attempted to absorb him so yeah, he's not even going to need the 4 months training to get that high. :panties

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Cell's absorption with the Androids comes with a design power and not like an addition like Boo.

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