Could the Inability to Suppress Ki (Among Earlier Villains) Have Increased Their Stamina?


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
We all know that some of the early villains in Z such as Nappa and Saiyan arc Vegeta displayed some extremely impressive stamina feats. Nappa's feats are more durability related than stamina related, but were extremely impressive nonetheless with him having taken on all of the Z Senshi except Yamcha without weakening at all until Goku defeated him. Vegeta's stamina feats were perhaps the most impressive ones that he displayed in the series.

Considering that remaining much closer to your full power obviously saps ki (as shown by how Goku conserved ki by always suppressing himself to 5000), could it be that inversely, this also means that being unable to consciously suppress ki (at least by Scouter readings) caused Nappa and Vegeta to get great stamina from remaining at a high level of power constantly? Its interesting that while MSSJ allows one to suppress the ki of a SSJ to a much greater extent, it also requires one to stay as a SSJ for many days to achieve.

Also consider that villains who displayed poor stamina in the series such as Piccolo Daimao (whose lifespan was shortened) and 100% Freeza are guys who never had to even use full power in the first place (unless you assume Freeza went into his full power form to fight Cold). Most of the villains in the Freeza arc displayed good stamina other than Gurd, and among them only Ginyu could suppress his ki.

What are your thoughts on this theory?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
It's an interesting theory, though I'm not sure if Vegeta could really be used as an example when his stamina and durability have always been presented as amongst the best in the series when not dragged down by draining transformations (being active for over 6 days on Namek before his nap with the most of a reprieve he had being one healing chamber session and a senzu, taking hits from Pure Boo even in base, etc.) and similar things can be said about Nappa when taking into account great durability seems to be a Saiyan trait due to their battle-oriented lifestyle unless you're one really unused to taking damage like the CHADitz Raditz.
I wouldn't say any of Freeza's men displayed exceptional stamina compared to their Ki, particularly when being of different species to Earthlings would make them far more difficult to scale in that area.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
I wouldn't say any of Freeza's men displayed exceptional stamina compared to their Ki, particularly when being of different species to Earthlings would make them far more difficult to scale in that area.

That's because most of them were either defeated before the lack of stamina became an issue, other than maybe Zarbon because he got caught off guard by Vegeta. Vegeta defeated Cui and Dodoria before they really got tired, Recoome fought multiple opponents without losing ki similar to Nappa, and Jheese and Butta were defeated before stamina even became an issue.

Most villains after the Freeza arc could either suppress their ki, weren't even organic or were running on infinite energy reactors, so they don't really count.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Still, the only example that can really be used in the Freeza Arc would be Reacoom, someone who had an overwhelming advantage over his opponents to the extent he was messing around with Vegeta and fought them for only a few minutes.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Yeah, but the point is that none of them showed poor stamina, and Vegeta even implied when he said Zarbon should be off guard this time that Zarbon would present a challenge if he fought him more fairly. This is even though most sources show Vegeta is the one with the power advantage (which is somewhat supported by Vegeta using his post-Zarbon self as a benchmark for the Ginyu Force fighters rather than Transformed Zarbon). Even though there aren't that many great stamina feats for the Freeza elites who couldn't suppress ki, there's certainly no evidence of any of them lacking stamina. Vegeta usually craves a fair fight too, so clearly he thought if he fought Zarbon head-on then he'd need healing (which he couldn't get now that Freeza wouldn't heal him twice).

Another example of a guy who rarely ever resorts to full power having godawful stamina is U6 Hit (manga). He said he can't even maintain full power for a minute because it's been so long since he used it. Normally wouldn't use evidence from Super, but at least AT approved of it and it is from before Super became even more of a worthless cashgrab than it was back then.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Whilst all of that's true, it still doesn't really present the Freeza Force as having more than average stamina. I guess you could say the Hit example helps boost things in their favour when considering they were all complacent to sitting around with their impressive battle powers, though alien physiology not being a one-size-fits-all system does make comparing them difficult.
In any case, the only examples that would directly support the idea would be Nappa and Vegeta, who are difficult to really use for reasons already mentioned. In particular, it seems quite counter-productive to how honing one's Ki what allows characters to sometimes boost abilities beyond their typical levels (eg. Roshi pointing out Galu's durability was his biggest strength after his training with Popo) and what stamina/durability feats we see of those under Freeza's command pale in comparison to a lot of the drawn out fights in Part 1 such as Goku VS Majunior.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
It's worth noting that Piccolo doesn't even display stamina feats on par with his 23rd self against #17 (another even fight) though, despite having spent fully a decade training as well as merged with two Namekians by then. It could be said that the ridiculous durability/stamina feats in the 23rd are due to it being a main villain fight as well as where Toriyama planned to end the series originally.