DBZ video game project


New member
Nov 7, 2017
Hello everyone,
I come to talk to you about a project of DBZ video game that would resume all or almost of fans expectations and that is an improved DBZ Tenkaichi.
This project is called - DBRB3 PROJECT – and has been created by a French fan named TREEVAX.
He works on this project for a few years and he has even met NAMCO BANDAI TEAM to show them his project.
At this time, they have told him that the project will be taken seriously if the number of fans on his Facebook fan page is high enough.
So, if you are interested by this project, thanks for visit this page and support the project by like the page : https://www.facebook.com/DBRB3Project/
You will find all information on Facebook and you can view videos of project on Youtube with the search term : DBRB3 Project. The videos are in French but you can display English subtitles.
The ball is in your camp !!