Did Vegeta Physically Age During the Time He Was In Space?


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
It seemed like during the time he was in space, he physically shut down all life functions - he was in space for 11 months in the Saiyan arc for example, yet didn't seem even the slightest bit fatigued or hungry from not eating for nearly a year. So do you think similarly to Goku not aging during the time he was dead, Vegeta didn't age during the times he was in space?

Interestingly, in Toriyama's explanation for the end of Goku and Vegeta's rivalry, Goku sensed that his life was nearing its end (in DBO's lore) and took Vegeta with him to have one final battle. But as we know, Vegeta was born at least 5 years before Goku - he is around the same age as Raditz. Goku also spent about 8 years dead - so if anything, Vegeta's lifespan should have ended long before Goku's. So could it be that Vegeta also was a few years younger than his chronological age due to all the time he spent in suspended animation while in space?


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
It's worth noting that Vegeta also seemed to physically evolve more since his introduction and joining the Z warriors, so I think this thought that I hand't had until you brought it up, about them somehow not aging while on pods, makes sense. Maybe you could argue that Vegeta's biology was just that evolved in comparison to Goku's due to being a prince and while he was shown eating at the manga he wasn't show craving for food, but I personally find that unlikely.

Interesting tibit about Toriyama wighing on their rivalry and saying Goku's life was ending and unless his life was vanquishing due to outside causes like a disease similar to Gol D. Roger in OP, this is interesting when taking into account Vegeta being considerably older than him.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
For the pods, I'd assume they had technology built into them to sustain their occupants for long-term travelling. It would seem like a huge oversight in design for them to not factor in long journeys and that the pod itself would be too small to place food supplies in them as well. Perhaps they're able to slow down the bodily functions or place their occupant in a state of suspended animation.

As for the DBO lore, it is quite interesting when Toriyama also said Vegeta was the most likely to die of natural causes due to high blood pressure. If I were to rationalise it, I'd say factors such as Galu entering the Rosat when his body certainly wasn't ready for it as a teenager, his heart problems in the Cell Arc and probably more intense training for the eventual encounter with and later training of Oob were factors that decreased Goku's lifespan.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
As for the DBO lore, it is quite interesting when Toriyama also said Vegeta was the most likely to die of natural causes due to high blood pressure. If I were to rationalise it, I'd say factors such as Galu entering the Rosat when his body certainly wasn't ready for it as a teenager,

Judging by the fact that Karin had herbs that could restore Galu back to full health within one night after the Piccolo Daimao fight (and Gowasu and :shin had similar herbs that could restore Future Trunks back to health), wouldn't you say Kami would be able to heal any wounds Galu sustained in the RoSaT? It's also worth noting that Gohan also went into the RoSaT when he was even younger than Galu, yet seemed to suffer no adverse side effects (although, Gohan was obviously far stronger than kid/teen Galu).

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Kenshi said:
Judging by the fact that Karin had herbs that could restore Galu back to full health within one night after the Piccolo Daimao fight (and Gowasu and :shin had similar herbs that could restore Future Trunks back to health), wouldn't you say Kami would be able to heal any wounds Galu sustained in the RoSaT?
It'd heal the wounds, but that wouldn't necessarily negate the adverse effect such stress would have on his life force.

It's also worth noting that Gohan also went into the RoSaT when he was even younger than Galu, yet seemed to suffer no adverse side effects (although, Gohan was obviously far stronger than kid/teen Galu).
Power was the main factor I was going with there, along with Goku having not been able to endure it for that long being a major issue. Not only that, but Saiyan physiology of staying in an immature state far longer than an average human or even Saiyan hybrids would make this something that could be detrimental to Goku's health whilst Gohan remained fine.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
Kenshi said:
Judging by the fact that Karin had herbs that could restore Galu back to full health within one night after the Piccolo Daimao fight (and Gowasu and :shin had similar herbs that could restore Future Trunks back to health), wouldn't you say Kami would be able to heal any wounds Galu sustained in the RoSaT?
It'd heal the wounds, but that wouldn't necessarily negate the adverse effect such stress would have on his life force.

Magical healing has been shown to restore life force though, considering that the Kikoho was stated to either kill you or shorten your lifespan (and actually killed Ten in the Saiyan arc), yet a Senzu was able to restore Tenshithands' life force after he was dying from the side effect of spamming the Shin Kikoho.

Another factor that might have shortened Galu's lifepan would be the fact that he learned the Kaioken and the SSJ3 transformation, both of which strain the body far more than SSJ or SSJ2 (transformations Vegeta attained prior to the Super retcons).


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Kenshi said:
Magical healing has been shown to restore life force though, considering that the Kikoho was stated to either kill you or shorten your lifespan (and actually killed Ten in the Saiyan arc), yet a Senzu was able to restore Tenshithands' life force after he was dying from the side effect of spamming the Shin Kikoho.

Another factor that might have shortened Galu's lifepan would be the fact that he learned the Kaioken and the SSJ3 transformation, both of which strain the body far more than SSJ or SSJ2 (transformations Vegeta attained prior to the Super retcons).

Well SSJ3 is strongly implied or even confirmed to suck their life force (Even reducing Goku's time on the Living World and cutting Gotenks' lifespan to 5 minutes) and it stands to reason he'd use it in his rematch with Oob.

Though no matter how shortened Goku's lifespan may be, Akira Toriyama has already confirmed Vegeta would be the first to die thanks to high blood pressure, so Goku being the one who asked the rematch because he was dying makes no sense still.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
In fairness, Toriyama said the blood pressure thing wasn't said for certain, he just said Vegeta "seems the type."

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