Discuss the things that you once thought about on the show.


May 30, 2015
I thought they all had tails and if someone grabbed them, they would weaken a bit and I believed in this chain:

Kaiosama> Gohan> Vegeta> Tenshinhan> Tenshinhan (when they grabbed his tail)> Goku> Piccolo> Goku (when they grabbed his tail)> Piccolo (when they grabbed his tail)> Master Roshi> Krillin.

He remembered that Goku defeated Kaiosama when they met (I surely mistook Kaiosama for the Ogres from Hell).

He remembered Tenshinhan defeating Goku inside the Platform and Tenshinhan proudly commenting "I beat you Goku".

He remembered Frieza becoming tiny, Vegeta believing that he grabbed him with one hand, but then he saw that Frieza was not inside his hand, but was behind him at his original size.

He remembered Tenshinhan, Yamcha, and Chaoz defeating Frieza on the Planet of Kaiosama (they were actually the Ginyu Special Forces).

He believed that Tenshinhan was Chaoz's pope.

I thought they had to interrupt the series because of how violent it was getting when Frieza destroyed Namek's core.

I thought Namek was Earth.

I was wondering who was stronger between Goku Kaioken (180,000) or Vegeta (Zenkai Power Final).

Seeing Frieza heading to Earth along with King Cold, I thought that maybe Frieza could have 3 new Forms and his Mecha Form was only the Fourth Transformation.

I thought that if the power of Freeza 100% (Namek) was 100:

King Cold = 70
Android # 19 (Pre) = 90
Goku SSJ = 105
Freeza wick = 110
Goku SSJ (Post Zenkai fights Frieza / Arc Androids) = 115
Android # 19 (Post) = 200
Vegeta SSJ (Arc Android) = 700
Future Trunks SSJ (Debut / Arc Androids) = 750
Android #18 = 950
Kamiccolo = 1,000
Android #17 = 1,000
Android #16 = 1,600
Imperfect Cell (Post Humans) = 1,600
Semi Perfect Cell = 2,600
Perfect Cell = 5,150

I also thought that Android # 19 by absorbing Goku's Kamehameha, made him lose a part of his life and that made him sick.

I thought Cell was like an alternate Android # 16.

I thought that Cell after absorbing Android # 17, then absorbing Android # 16. Later it absorbed Android # 18.

He thought that surpassing the Super Saiyan was like just being in a normal state and being stronger than the SSJ. The SSJ means having a power level that was within a range and if that power was exceeded within that range, the power of a Super Saiyan was surpassed and it looked normal. I imagined Goku, Vegeta, Future Trunks and Gohan surpassing the power of the Super Saiyan rank and among the 4 they would defeat Cell Perfect.

I thought the gap between SSJ levels was always the same, I mean SSJ4 = 50X SSJ3. SSJ3 = 50X SSJ2. SSJ2 = 50X SSJ. SSJ = 50X Base.

There was a time when he believed that Goku when he became a child in DBGT had lost too much power and from there he was always much inferior in power to Vegeta in equal ways, until Goku went beyond The Limits and there he just equaled the power of Vegeta in all of his forms and that is why Goku SSJ4 = Vegeta SSJ4 at the end of the series.

Some time later, I had Goku Base (BoGT) more or less at the level of Super Vegetto. Then Goku, when he became a child, diminished his power a thousand times and recovered it completely in the Arc Baby.

He thought that a hypothetical Vegetto SSJ2 (Boo) was a Destroyer from Megaverse.

I thought that Baby Vegeta Golden Monkey surpassed the combined power of all the existing characters in Fiction. And I thought that the power of a hypothetical Vegetto SSJ4 (EoGT) would be the greatest of all.

He was mistaking Mela for Suno. And he thought Suno would appear as a Spectator at TB23 to see Goku. He also thought that the Muscle Tower episodes occurred in those 3 years before TB22.

I thought Videl (TB25) was on the level of Krillin (BoZ).

He thought Tenshinan (TB23) was stronger than Kamisama because he gave Goku a great fight.

I thought Tenshinan (Arc Boo) was stronger than Androids # 17 and Android # 18, because Tenshinhan survived Super Boo's attack, while Android # 17 did not necessarily survive.

I thought Goku and Vegeta (Pre Majin) SSJ2 were tremendously stronger than Gohan SSJ2 (CG) and SPC. Even at one point I thought about Vegeta SSJ (Pre Majin) >>>>>>> Gohan SSJ (Vs Dabura) = Gohan SSJ2 (CG) >> Gohan SSJ2 (TB25).

Many of those beliefs that I had was because at the beginning when I saw it, I was a child and I watched until the End of Arc Garlic Jr. (we were forbidden to see DBZ for being very violent).

5 years passed and I started watching DBZ from the Arc Ginyu, until when Vegeta and Future Trunks came out of the Rosat. Then I went to the beach for a week and on my return I saw some episodes, until finally I stopped watching for another 5 years.

In my adolescence when I returned to the series, I saw Internet pages where people debated anything.

What kind of wrong beliefs did you have about the series?


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Vegeta used the Final Flash on Super Perfect Cell :ha