Tapion said:
Likewise there was a video game that actually showed Cell destroying the Solar System with his Kamehameha, IIRC.
The only one that really comes to mind is Supersonic Warriors and that one is pretty shaky. He does state he'll destroy the entire Solar System, though the narrator only talks about Earth being destroyed. Plus, this was a what-if where Cell had grown strong enough to kill Fat Boo if we were to get into specifics.
Not that I disagree with you. Just saying the evidence could use some work.
The Great Fearless said:
There are some people that don't believe about Cell's claim at all. Not talking about OP but in general. Is there something that I'm missing here where it's impossible for Cell to pull it off?
Most people not believing in it do so due to the lack of supporting feats, since all the Boo Arc feats consist of Planet busting and Solar System busting only gets brought up again when Beerus shows up.
I would say this isn't the best evidence though, since not only do characters concentrate their power as to stop an attack going too far unless incapable of controlling it (Manly GAINZ Roshi's Kamehameha on Mount Fry Pan, 22nd TB Ten's Kikoho, etc.) but you could even argue SS3 Goku and Pure Boo's damage to the Kaioshinkai can support this when the SEG states it makes up 10% of the U7 macroverse's mass.