The first anime is definitely worth the watch, more so than the other anime adaptions and spinoffs of the series. The pacing is nowhere near as good as the manga, but certain changes do help improve some parts such as the Pilaf gang's extended role in the Hunt for the Dragon Balls Arc blending well with the A-Plot of the arc and adding decent comedy, or the increased scope of character focus in the Piccolo Daimao Arc helping capture the idea of Piccolo being a global threat in everyone's minds far better as well as making the Choshinsui into an actual quest rather than an instant power up Karin had lying around making it feel far less contrived. Even the extended filler segments aren't that bad for the most part as doing things like actually showing training regimes such as Goku's training for the 22nd TB make his increase in power far more plausible and made a decent tribute to classic action/adventure plot lines such as more Journey to the West references. The only filler I'd recommend skipping entirely would be Goku going back in time and being beaten by Mutaito as part of Popo's training and the Wedding Dress filler after the 23rd TB.
It also helps that Kikuchi's excellent score succeeds masterfully in capturing the emotions of every scene. From the good capturing of eastern martial arts flicks within the opening's instrumental usage, the serene nature of Upa/Bora's theme or the sinister aspects of Piccolo Daimao theme, Kikuchi really helped aid in the experience through his music.