EoZ Powers


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
What's the general range of power that you see the Z Senshi possessing at the end of Z? Try to compare with other powers shown in the series. Assume strongest form for anyone who has a transformation.

MUI Roshi:

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Not counting Super as that makes the process far more messy:

For Goku and Vegeta, Oob gives us a pretty good answer. Goku expects him to be someone even he and Boo may not be as strong as and he later says Oob was exactly as he expected, bar his limited skill. That would suggest Base Goku/Vegeta to be at least above Good Boo and at most bordering Pure Boo's level. Via-scaling, that would place them a few steps below post-Rosat Gotenks in equal forms.

Piccolo could be significantly stronger than he was before as we're told by Toriyama that Piccolo trains in his spare time and brings him up in the same sentence as Goku and Vegeta, perhaps alluding to similar intensity. We know from the anime he's outmatched by Base Goku/Vegeta as well as possibly Base Goten/Trunks, so wherever he ends up is pure speculation beyond being stronger than his Cell Games self. I'd be generous and place him above CG SSJ Goku by some degree.

Goten/Trunks' power is evidenced by Goku remarking that Goten will lose to Boo because he's slacked off, suggesting he could make a difference if he kept up his training. By what intensity of training is speculative, though considering Goku points that out as the only reason and Goten/Trunks' kid personalities were those desiring to fight the adults and grow stronger, I'd say their SSJ forms wouldn't be leagues behind Boo, perhaps a little stronger than Boo Arc SS2 Goku.

Gohan ought to be no different from his Ultimate self in the Boo Arc and the humans should be more or less what they were in the Cell Arc with the possibility of a minor boost for Tenshinhan (which from my perspective would result in Kuririn and Tenshinhan being above post-Yardrat Base Goku as well as Sick Base Goku, with Yamcha at best being above Base Namek Galu and at worst probably around Saiyan Arc Vegeta's level). MUI Roshi oneshots Zen-Oh and proves a decent challenge for Serious Lord Appule, obviously.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Not any different from their Boo Arc selves, except for the boys, the humans and perhaps Vegeta. Throughout the later half of the series it had been stated all these characters were reaching their peaks and without taking Super into account it’s doubtful any new villain pushed these guys further.

The humans are naturally getting weaker due to age (Except for Roshi, if he feels like it) and the boys aging and occasional probably made them stronger, though I don’t think they reached SSJ2 and are stuck not far beyond CG SSJ Gohan. Vegeta might have reached Goku’s level, but that’s doubtful.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
GreatSaiyaman123 said:
Not any different from their Boo Arc selves, except for the boys, the humans and perhaps Vegeta. Throughout the later half of the series it had been stated all these characters were reaching their peaks
Goku makes it pretty clear he's confident that he and Vegeta can become far stronger through training though.

Chapter: 516 (DBZ 322), P11.2-3
Context: after Polunga restores Goku’s stamina and he’s about to finish Boo off with the Genki-Dama
Goku: “…You’re amazin’. You hung in there really well all on your own…This time, be reborn as a good guy…I wanna fight you one-on-one…I’ll be waitin'…And I’ll have gotten much, much better…See ya later!”

Chapter: 517 (DBZ 323), P5.4-5
Context: after Goku tells Dende to heal good Boo
Goku: “Well, it’s alright, ain’t it Vegeta? This Boo and Mister Satan both did well. If these two hadn’t been here, then we and everyone else would have been done in. Right?…And if worse comes to worse, we can just fight again. Let’s train so that this time for sure we won’t lose even if we go one-on-one.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Captain Cadaver said:
GreatSaiyaman123 said:
Not any different from their Boo Arc selves, except for the boys, the humans and perhaps Vegeta. Throughout the later half of the series it had been stated all these characters were reaching their peaks
Goku makes it pretty clear he's confident that he and Vegeta can become far stronger through training though.

Chapter: 516 (DBZ 322), P11.2-3
Context: after Polunga restores Goku’s stamina and he’s about to finish Boo off with the Genki-Dama
Goku: “…You’re amazin’. You hung in there really well all on your own…This time, be reborn as a good guy…I wanna fight you one-on-one…I’ll be waitin'…And I’ll have gotten much, much better…See ya later!”

Chapter: 517 (DBZ 323), P5.4-5
Context: after Goku tells Dende to heal good Boo
Goku: “Well, it’s alright, ain’t it Vegeta? This Boo and Mister Satan both did well. If these two hadn’t been here, then we and everyone else would have been done in. Right?…And if worse comes to worse, we can just fight again. Let’s train so that this time for sure we won’t lose even if we go one-on-one.

Not clear enough to put the word “stronger” in there though :idk

Goku already had the power to defeat Majin Boo, he just couldn’t handle it properly. Between going even higher and managing to control his power/find a better alternative to it, I think it’s clear he’d go with the later option first.

Vegeta definitely had room and probably did become stronger though. In the Boo Arc he wasn’t even Goku’s equal in equal forma, let alone a SSJ3.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
GreatSaiyaman123 said:
Goku already had the power to defeat Majin Boo, he just couldn’t handle it properly. Between going even higher and managing to control his power/find a better alternative to it, I think it’s clear he’d go with the later option first.
Yet we have no evidence of him being able to control SS3 in a more efficient way in a living body and, if anything, more recent material such as BoG Toriyama interviews and Super have made it apparent going such a route for SS3 is a lost cause.
Moreover, finding a way to more efficiently use SS3 without a power increase is far from solid enough to bet on being able to take Boo in a one-on-one battle, especially when Pure Boo was described as the most dangerous Boo. A slight to fair power advantage isn't going to cut it even with improved stamina, especially when Boo's stamina is infinite, and this was before Goku was made aware what type of lifeform Boo would be reborn as. Furthermore, Vegeta's concerns makes it ambiguous if he was referring to Good Boo potentially creating another Pure Boo or Evil Boo, considering he was watching from Other World and should be aware how the process works to some basic extent.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
Captain Cadaver said:
Yet we have no evidence of him being able to control SS3 in a more efficient way in a living body and, if anything, more recent material such as BoG Toriyama interviews and Super have made it apparent going such a route for SS3 is a lost cause.
Moreover, finding a way to more efficiently use SS3 without a power increase is far from solid enough to bet on being able to take Boo in a one-on-one battle, especially when Pure Boo was described as the most dangerous Boo. A slight to fair power advantage isn't going to cut it even with improved stamina, especially when Boo's stamina is infinite, and this was before Goku was made aware what type of lifeform Boo would be reborn as. Furthermore, Vegeta's concerns makes it ambiguous if he was referring to Good Boo potentially creating another Pure Boo or Evil Boo, considering he was watching from Other World and should be aware how the process works to some basic extent.

The SSJ3 strain naturally manifested differently for Gotenks and didn't exist at all for Boo, so while Goku may not make the form as stable as SSJ1 for example he probably still can nonetheless. He had only transformed once (Possibly even less) prior to the Boo Arc, after all.

Goku at least knew Boo wasn't going to be reborn a bad guy so his dangerousness isn't a factor, specially since he hopes to find him in the Budokai of all places. Otherwise it's a Catch-22; Goku expects to have a rematch with Pure Boo in the Budokai of all places?

That's a good point about Good Boo though. Vegeta couldn't have been referring to Pure Boo since he came out of a freak accident basically, so he probably was referring to Evil Boo. I guess it is possible for Goku to have grown stronger in those 10 years (He always manages to, after all) but the extent is unkown.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
GreatSaiyaman123 said:
The SSJ3 strain naturally manifested differently for Gotenks and didn't exist at all for Boo, so while Goku may not make the form as stable as SSJ1 for example he probably still can nonetheless. He had only transformed once (Possibly even less) prior to the Boo Arc, after all.
It's arguable if it manifested differently for Gotenks or not though. We know it causes his existence to be limited to five minutes and we don't get a solid timeframe for how long Goku's fights with Fat and Pure Boo lasted. As for Boo, we're shown that Boo's body is magical in nature and it's very questionable whether or not he too is limited to the five minute rule (he was shocked at the fusion ending, suggesting it was less time than he anticipated), so Boo should be the exception rather than the rule.

Goku at least knew Boo wasn't going to be reborn a bad guy so his dangerousness isn't a factor, specially since he hopes to find him in the Budokai of all places. Otherwise it's a Catch-22; Goku expects to have a rematch with Pure Boo in the Budokai of all places?
How would he know he'd be fighting him at the Budokai straight away though? That seems like something he'd more logically be made aware of after the fact in the manner it's presented in the Super manga. Even reborn as a good guy, it would still be possible for Boo to still have the unpredictability that made his past self so dangerous, simply refashioned into a more constructive manner.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Goku: a few steps below Gotenks going by the [post room base Gotenks >> pre room ssj Gotenks > ssj3 Goku >= EoZ base Goku] implied chain.

Vegeta: a step or two below Goku. Vegeta implied in the Boo arc that Goku is a greater genius than he is, that not even performing more special traning was enough to bridge the gap.

Gohan: as strong as in the Boo arc, which would put him as the strongest unfused character

Piccolo: not too much stronger than his Boo arc self due to the lack of implications towards a heavy power gain. I'd place him at most at CGs ssj Goku's level and that's already being generous. I see him more or less caping out post his RoSaT trip.

Krillin: he's likely past his prime going by the hair and therein implied lack of commitment to the martial arts. Going by my most recent BP list, he'd be in between [post Yardrat] base Goku and [androids saga] base Saiyajins, assuming he has more or less at least maintained most of his powers.

Tenshinhan: likely following suit Kuririn, if not stronger. However, I'd keep him behind, even if slightly so. I believe he may be more or less caped out post Boo arc.

Yamcha: considerably weaker than Kuririn and Ten. That'd place him at [post final Zenkai] base Goku, more or less.

Goten: the Daizenshuu stated that he isn't TOO DIFFERENT due to lack of training, implying that while stronger, he's still in the same vicinity from himself 7 years ago. I'd place him at CGs Goku.

Trunks: same as Goten.

MUI Roshi: off the chart, ofc.


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
[mention]Captain Cadaver[/mention] based on the statement you brought up do you think it’s likely for EoZ Goku and Vegeta to be above even Super Boo?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
I'd say it makes such a possibility, especially if coupled with Toriyama's statement about Goku wanting to show he's the strongest, though I wouldn't declare that it's a certainty.

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