Fixing the Boo arc without changing too much


Mid Class Warrior
Feb 23, 2023
>No Great Saiyaman. Gohan keeps fighting crime as a Super Saiyan. He can use a device made by Bulma to instantly change his clothes when he transforms , although that doesn't have to be an issue if the plot doesn't make it one. He can just move really fast to fight crime without anyone getting a good look at him (Saiyaman sucked).

>Gokuu, Gohan, Goten, Vegeta, and Trunks all disguise themselves as Super Saiyans at the tournament. All of their names are withheld to protect their privacy (no reason for them to ban transforming when they could just be transformed the whole time they're at the tournament. All of them have mastered SS1 anyway)

>Kurilin doesn't come check out Bobbidi's ship; he stays at the Budoh-kai with Eighteen, who makes him forfeit the battle royale so she can carry out her plan of pretending to lose to Mr. Satan while taking all the prize money. Eighteen doesn't want media attention, so she loses to Mr. Satan on purpose and blackmails him to fork over the No.1 prize money, which she gets on top of the runner-up prize money (Kurilin was useless so just keep him at the Budoh-kai)

>Darbra doesn't kill Kibito; instead, he just turns him to stone along with Piccolo. When they're turned back to normal after Boo kills Darbra, the wounded Shin telepathically tells Kibito not to come save him as Boo would just kill Kibito for interfering; Shin tells Kibito to save Gohan instead and bring him to Kaioh-shin World so he can pull out the Z Sword. Kibito struggles to locate the barely alive Gohan's Ki and is further distracted by Vegeeta's fight with Boo; Kibito is astonished by how strong Vegeeta is and how much stronger Boo is. Eventually, Kibito saves Shin when Boo does his Angry Explosion at Vegeeta; he teleports Shin to Kaioh-shin World before the explosion can hit them. Kibito heals Shin and they go back to Earth to pick up Gohan, who Kibito heals on Kaioh-shin World so he can use the Z Sword (no point in killing off Kibito right after introducing him especially when he got revived not long after. Just keep him alive the whole time)

>Bulma and co don't use the Dragon Balls to revive everyone Vegeeta killed at the Budoh-kai (hella stupid for them to use the Dragon Balls without even bothering to find out what the situation was; how did it not occur to these idiots that they might need the Dragon Balls later? Also, by extension, this removes that stupid scene where everyone assumed Gohan was dead even though they had just used the Dragon Balls to revive everyone who died that day and Gohan had never been revived before)

>Bulma doesn't forget the Dragon Radar at Capsule Corp like an idiot. Her parents go to the lookout with everyone else when Gokuu comes to pick them all up on Capsule Corp. The reaosn Gokuu decides to fight Fat Boo as an SS3 is because Goten and Trunks refuse to listen to him as they think he's weak; he fights Fat Boo as an SS3 to make them see how strong he is, so they'll listen. (Bulma forgetting the radar at Capsule Corp when she was literally just there was blatant PIS)

>Redesign Gotenks so he looks more like an actual fusion of Goten and Trunks (instead of just mini Vegeeta with hair partly dyed purple)

>No Gray Boo. Upon seeing Mr. Satan get shot, Fat Boo transforms directly into Super Boo (Gray Boo only makes things confusing once Pure Boo appears)

>Bootenks kills Tenshinhan when he kicks him (it was a dick move of Dende to just leave Tenshinhan there after Bootenks kicked him, especially considering Tenshinhan saved him from Bootenks before. He heals him in the anime, but it's better for Tenshinhan to just die here as he does nothing afterwards)

>SS3 Gokuu and Mystic Gohan are equals. Gokuu never says anything about being weaker than Super Boo.

>Gokuu and Vegeeta gain each other's memories when they fuse (that way, Vegeeta suggesting Genkidama wouldn't be totally random)

>Gokuu and Vegeeta find Grand Kaioh-shin, not Fat Boo, inside of Super Boo's body (it never made any sense for Fat Boo to be able to coexist with Pure Boo or any of the evil Boos for that matter). Noting Grand Kaioh-shin's facial resemblance to Fat Boo, they figure he was absorbed a long time ago and decide to free him. Super Boo tries to stop them, but fails.

>No Buff Boo. When Vegeeta disconnects Grand Kaioh-shin from Super Boo's body, Super Boo transforms directly into Pure Boo (it never made any sense how Super Boo only turned into Buff for a few seconds before turning into Pure. Just remove Buff altogether)

>The reason Grand Kaioh-shin didn't free the Z Sword was because he didn't want to rely on a sword to fight enemies.

>Pure Boo is explicitly said to be the strongest Boo of all (contrived for the final enemy to not be the strongest enemy)

>Gokuu and Vegeeta escape Boo's body with the unconscious Gohan, Goten, Trunks, Piccolo, and Grand Kaioh-shin. When Boo blows up Earth, Grand Kaioh-shin puts up a barrier to protect himself along with Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Piccolo. Upon seeing Pure Boo teleport, Grand Kaioh-shin learns how to perform the technique himself. He teleports to the planet that Kibitoshin, Elder Kaioh-shin, Dende, and the dog are on to drop off Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Piccolo before teleporting to the Kaioh-shin Realm. Kibitoshin heals Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Piccolo (it never made any sense why Gokuu and Vegeeta just left Fat Boo inside of Super Boo's body. For all they knew, Boo could have just reabsorbed him. I know having Gohan, Goten, Trunks, and Piccolo survive Earth's destruction doesn't really add to anything, but I don't see why Grand Kaioh-shin would just leave them there)

>Gokuu turns down the Potala because he's under the impression that Pure Boo won't be coming to Kaioh-shin World anytime soon; he wants Elder Kaioh-shin to unlock his potential like he did Gohan. He immediately regrets his decision when Pure Boo teleports there right after Vegeeta destroys his Potala.

>SS3 Gokuu is greatly outmatched by Pure Boo, who toys with him. He is eventually knocked out of Super Saiyan 3. (Pure Boo being much stronger than Gokuu justifies Gokuu still wanting to fight Pure Boo's equal ten years later).

>Elder Kaioh-shin refuses to let Kibitoshin take Gohan and Gotenks to fight Pure Boo because neither of them would make a difference. He wants them to train on a faraway planet, so they can beat Boo someday. When Dende points out that Boo can sense their Ki and would be able to teleport to them no matter where they go, Kibitoshin prepares to bring them over to fight as they're out of options, but Vegeeta tells them not to come when he suggests the Genkidama.

>Grand Kaioh-shin fights Pure Boo when Gokuu can no longer fight. Grand Kaioh-shin and Pure Boo are equal in strength, but the latter has the advantage due to his regeneration. Eventually, Grand Kaioh-shin is defeated and Pure Boo prepares to kill him, not wanting to make the mistake of absorbing him again. However, he notices the Genkidama and shifts his attention to that. SS2 Vegeeta then buys time by fighting Pure Boo and is promptly stomped (Vegeeta only fights Pure Boo once; no BS with him fighting Pure Boo in base and not immediately getting killed).

>Gotenks donates his Ki to the Genkidama instead of Goten and Trunks donating separately.

>Lunch is shown donating her Ki instead of Seventeen like Toriyama originally intended (Seventeen was completely out of place here and he and Eighteen shouldn't even be able to donate their energy to the Genkidama).

>Pure Boo isn't scared by the Genkidama and he willingly tries to block it with his own physical might because he likes the challenge (it was dumb how Pure Boo toyed with base Vegeeta while the Genkidama was charging when Boo was already shown to be afraid by it. It also was dumb how Pure Boo didn't just teleport out of the way to dodge the Genkidama. It's better if he purposefully chooses to go up against the Genkidama. Plus, this could give Pure Boo a parallel to Gokuu; they both like to challenge themselves instead of receiving help or taking the easy way out).

>Gokuu turns SS3 to kill Boo with the Genkidama after being healed by the Namekkian Dragon Balls (no reason for Gokuu to hold back to his weakest transformation when making his final attack).

>Vegeeta makes his speech about Gokuu being better than him after Boo is killed. It would be when they reunite with their family and friends on the Lookout right before the 10 year time skip.

>Grand Kaioh-shin stays on Kaioh-shin World with Kibitoshin and Elder Kaioh-shin. He also keeps Beh, the dog; he visits Mr. Satan whenever he needs to get dog food and toys.

>Everyone else's memories of Boo aren't erased (no point since Fat Boo would be gone)

>Mr. Satan has retired from martial arts at the end of the manga (he can't rig the tournament without Boo and he's getting older, anyway)

>Gokuu regularly keeps in touch with Bulma (nothing about him only visiting her five years prior)

>Bra is a fighter and a friendly rival to Pan a la Goten and Trunks.

>Gohan doesn't attend the 28th Budoh-kai because he has a conference (never liked the implication of Gohan not participating in the tournament itself because that means he's completely retired from fighting, but if he doesn't attend simply because he has a prior commitment, there's still the possibility he trains)

>Kurilin, Eighteen, Marron, Roh-shi, Yumcha, Ox King, Oolong, Pu'er, and Dende don't attend the 28th Budoh-kai, either. Only Chichi, Veedel, and Bulma come as spectators; they get the best seats because Veedel is Satan's daughter (the fewer pointless background characters, the better. They can appear on the "THANK YOU GOODBYE" message on the final page, though. And they can appear in cutaways during Gokuu and Oob's match, watching it on TV or sensing Gokuu and Oob's Ki clash. Also, Marron doesn't grow a nose).

>The planned matches in the 28th Budoh-kai are

1. Gokuu vs. Oob (Gokuu leaves with Oob)
2. Goten vs. Pan (none of the matches after Gokuu vs. Oob have to be shown in the manga, but Goten would lose to Pan like in the anime)
3. Trunks vs. Bra (Trunks loses to Bra)
4. Vegeeta vs. Piccolo (Vegeeta and Piccolo leave the tournament due to boredom)
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Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
Spelt wrong Goku, Namekian, Buu, Vegeta, Kaioshin (actually mouth-closed lolled at this misspelling, whatever that laugh is called), Launch, Pain au chocolate (who tf eats Pain au Rice aka Pain au Gohan?), Uub, SSJ3, genki-dama, time-skip, Mister Satan, 17.


Mid Class Warrior
Feb 23, 2023
Updated fam

The Boo arc is such a trainwreck lol
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