I generally go for a 1.25x gap as well. We know that Vegeta still hasn't probably catched up to Kid Gohan from 7 years ago, but he ought to still be somewhat close as he shows certaintity in winning the Budokai when not knowing exactly how much power Gohan has lost. Meanwhile, while Goku has outclassed Gohan, it doesn't seem to be by a large amount as per Piccolo commenting that Majin Vegeta is "maybe" more powerul than that Gohan. So pre Majin Vegeta would basically rival Gohan from the losing end whereas Goku would rival Gohan from the "winning" end.
Pre Majin Vegeta - 90
Kid Gohan - 100
Boo saga Goku -- 112.5
Seems fair to me. As for Vegeta's statement in which some people interpret it as meaning the gap is the same as it was in the CGs, I view that more as a there still being a gap in a sense that Goku is still superior. No matter how hard Vegeta trained, there's still a noticeable edge that Goku enjoys... not exactly that the gap was still the same as 7 years ago.