Rejoice, brethren, as today is truly a day of glory. :alex
SSJ2 Zeta Elite Staff member Founder Joined Oct 12, 2014 Messages 67,043 Age 28 May 9, 2019 #1 Rejoice, brethren, as today is truly a day of glory.
Let's Go Fearless! Zeta Elite 25k Joined May 31, 2015 Messages 41,541 Age 25 May 9, 2019 #3 Are you a Yo$hi?
Captain Cadaver Zeta Elite Retired Staff Joined May 31, 2015 Messages 27,967 May 9, 2019 #4 All hail the best villain in the franchise (RIP the days where :rape wasn't a complete joke who's role in the plot is no longer necessary).
All hail the best villain in the franchise (RIP the days where :rape wasn't a complete joke who's role in the plot is no longer necessary).