How much of a healing effect does Fusion/Potara have?


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
When Galu and Vegeta fused in the Z anime, Vegetto showed no signs of fatigue despite Boo beating them both up before they fused. Gogeta in M12 was also formed from two battle worn fusees, yet showed no external injuries at all. Similarly, Vegetto showed no external injuries when he was formed in the Super manga despite Merged Zamasu beating the shit out of Galu and Vegeta before, and Kefla in both iterations also showed no external wounds despite both her fusees being battle damaged at the time. Gogeta in the Broly movie showed no signs of fatigue or battle damage either.

We know it's not the same as being outright healed with a Senzu because Vegetto needed a Senzu after firing that blast off against Zamasu before he could turn Blue, but how much of a healing effect do you think the Potara/Fusion Dance have?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
It seems to depend more on the continuity rather than being a set amount. The anime as a whole seems to treat it as instant rejuvenation, whereas the Super manga has fatigue carry over. Kefla didn't show any signs of fatigue in the manga though, so it could be that she was fully rejuvenated due to becoming a new person combined with Kale's Ki having been rising prior and now being in a more controllable form gave her a fresh start.

It could also be that, in most cases, Metamoran restores more stamina than Potara due to it naturally being meant to be a temporary existence whereas the Potara can potentially be permanent. Another explanation for Vegetto's fatigue could be that burning through God Ki in the Super Saiyan Blue form naturally had more of an effect on what's meant to be a divine fusion process.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
It seems to depend more on the continuity rather than being a set amount. The anime as a whole seems to treat it as instant rejuvenation,

We know it's not a full healing effect in the anime either though since after both Galu and Vegeta were crippled from fighting Zamasu, they took Senzus before they could merge to Vegetto.

It could also be that, in most cases, Metamoran restores more stamina than Potara due to it naturally being meant to be a temporary existence whereas the Potara can potentially be permanent. Another explanation for Vegetto's fatigue could be that burning through God Ki in the Super Saiyan Blue form naturally had more of an effect on what's meant to be a divine fusion process.

We don't really have many cases where two fusees who fused with the Metamoran dance were severely injured though, other than Galu having those sword wounds and Vegeta getting his ass whooped by Janenba.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Kenshi said:
We know it's not a full healing effect in the anime either though since after both Galu and Vegeta were crippled from fighting Zamasu, they took Senzus before they could merge to Vegetto.
I guess the anime's faggotry in those episodes with Black's clones and all the other unnecessary filler was mind-numbing enough to turn my brain into Toriyama's. :troll

We don't really have many cases where two fusees who fused with the Metamoran dance were severely injured though, other than Galu having those sword wounds and Vegeta getting his ass whooped by Janenba.
Galu had used SS3 prior to it though, which ought to take away a fair bit of stamina even when dead, and they'd just diffused from a failed fusion.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
We don't really have many cases where two fusees who fused with the Metamoran dance were severely injured though, other than Galu having those sword wounds and Vegeta getting his ass whooped by Janenba.
Galu had used SS3 prior to it though, which ought to take away a fair bit of stamina even when dead, and they'd just diffused from a failed fusion.

Galu actually said in the afterlife, SSJ3 didn't drain any ki at all. Most if not all of the stamina loss would've been from the battle with Janenba, which seems to have been forgotten (or played for laughs in the case of the Veku portion of the fight).

It's worth noting though that Vegeta and :galu didn't try and turn SSJ after defusing from the Veku gag faggotry, only becoming SSJ after fusing into Gogeta. Might be that they were too weakened to turn SSJ.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
SS3 still had such an affect that it drained Galu's time in the living world and he said he wasn't used to the form, so unless assuming the form naturally works differently in the living realm regardless of whether one is dead or not (which seems like a stretch when it would suggest the Kaioshinkai should have mitigated his stamina loss somewhat), it should have still had some affect on him. Goku believing he'd require a full minute to restore his stamina would also suggest his experiences with SS3 were enough for him to be aware the form required some level of recharging that he could only be aware of from his training in the afterlife.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Galu was still incorrect in his estimation that it would take a minute to charge back up though, and he said even when talking to Piccolo that "SSJ3 was a technique that should only be used in the afterlife" suggesting that it drains stamina in the living world regardless of one being dead, and drains much more stamina when one is alive regardless of the environment. On top of Galu's later statement that SSJ3 didn't drain ki at all when he was dead and in the afterlife.

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