Not only do official sources contradict your conclusion, but the fact that Bardock was able to debunks the stance that they couldn't get so far from being low class, especially when it's blatantly obvious low class Saiyans aren't determined by their power in adulthood when Vegeta still constantly refers to Goku as low class during the Freeza Arc.Hector said:All of them were low class Saiyans, so I don't think anyone except Badrock got anywhere near Daiz Nappa.
Captain Cadaver said:Not only do official sources contradict your conclusion, but the fact that Bardock was able to debunks the stance that they couldn't get so far from being low class, especially when it's blatantly obvious low class Saiyans aren't determined by their power in adulthood when Vegeta still constantly refers to Goku as low class during the Freeza Arc.Hector said:All of them were low class Saiyans, so I don't think anyone except Badrock got anywhere near Daiz Nappa.
That wasn't the point of the film at all. If anything, the point was to show how insignificant Bardock was in the grand scheme of things. Zarbon never singles him out for his abilities either and refers to them as a collective, so saying Bardock was the sole exception amongst them wouldn't be accurate. Moreover, nothing outright contradicts the Carddass ratings of them. Actual evidence >> fan opinion.Hector said:That was the point of the movie. To show how awesome Bardock was, having become so strong despite being low class. The others were just low class and nothing more.
Dodoria's men were able to deal damage to Bardock when they hit him, so they definitely aren't as weak as you're making them out to be.They were defeated by nameless soldiers of the Freeza army and I don't think those soldiers were stronger than those Freeza took along to Namek and were defeated by 3k Namek warriors.
Captain Cadaver said:Your point being?
They clearly do in order to do any damage to Bardock, not to mention official sources debunk that for reasons already elaborated on.Hector said:The soldiers who beat Bardock's men don't have to be stronger than Freeza's soldiers on Namek.
Captain Cadaver said:They were strong enough to earn recognition from Zarbon for conquering Kanassa 1 month earlier than expected, though that's about it. He said they weren't anything special individually, but presented "incredible power" as a team, which is quite vague when he still didn't consider them a present threat and they got massacred by Dodoria's squad of fighters easily below 10k.
It's worth noting Toma killed the Kanassan Bardock got caught off-guard by, though that feat doesn't really measure up when it's shown later Toma is nowhere near Bardock's level unless you believe he got a YUGE Zenkai.
The most we have to go on are the Carddass battle powers for them, which are:
Toma - 5,000
Panbukin - 4,200
Totepo - 4,000
Seripa - 2,000