How would you rewrite the Budokais?


Jun 19, 2015
Goku loses to Giran instead of winning by using the Kintoun (which I have always seen as cheating). In the first semi final, Namu breaks free of lasso gum, which makes Goku realize that Namu is a lot stronger than himself. In the final match (Namu vs Roshi), Goku is like, 'Wow, those guys are both on a whole different level compared to me.' This makes Roshi's latter statement about Baba Saga Goku having 'probably' surpassed him more consistent. The final match is even until Roshi realizes Namu's motives and lets him win.

Panpoot is replaced with Teen Chichi. I think that Chichi and Goku meeting again in their teens and getting to know each other better constitutes better character development than them meeting again as adults and being like, 'Hey, let's get married.' Also, it makes Chichi's gains less haxed. Instead of being disqualified in the foolish way he did, Chaozu beats Krillin and fights Goku in the semi finals. He paralyzes him and is about to kill him when Tenshinhan asks him not to, because he wants to fight him in the final. After the Crane Master's angry reaction to Ten's change of heart and Roshi repelling him with a kamehameha as in canon, Chaozu decides to do his friend a favor and jumps off the arena, so that Tenshinhan will get to fight Goku in the final.

Chichi is replaced with Chaozu, with his powers not working against Goku anymore and everyone being like, 'Wow, what kind of training has Goku received?'


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
21st Budokai:

Giran faces Bulma in the first round of the finals. He immediately uses his gum to immobilize her. Giran then gathers the Dragon Balls and wishes for Spopovitch to become invisible. Spopovitch then invisibly rapes Bulma in front of the Budokai crowd. Jackie Chun then produces a nose bleed powerful enough to cut diamond and kills all of the competitors, ending the series.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
25th TB - Lord :bitch gets bored of checking in on the jabroni competition and uses his full power, punching Goku so hard he enters an alternate reality where his name is Galu. Lord :bitch and Bottom Bitch Yamu then wipe out the competition and make space for Lord :bitch to have his fated battle against Lord Appule whilst Bottom Bitch Yamu fights Subordinate Orlen.

Aside from that masterpiece, I wouldn't change much about the main 3 Budokai. The 21st TB is near flawless in what it needed to achieve and the only major changes necessary for the 22nd TB would be swapping Panputto with Chappa and having having Goku use the invisible super speed movement just before Ten uses the Taiyoken to grab the glasses rather than temporarily being FTL. 23rd could use some work that would require rewriting the RRA Arc slightly in just showing Tao's body wasn't vaporised so his cyborg self is less contrived. Other necessary changes would be removing Goku's reasoning for not holding back the Super Kamehameha to him simply being more resolved to win rather than him having a mindset on Kami and the DBs he'd soon contradict.

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