Super Saiyan said:
So why did only Chaozu stay behind then? When Tenshinhan announced that Chaozu couldn't keep up with the battle, Goku frankly told him that it was better off that way. Strangely nothing was said about the other 3 humans standing there. Krillin also claimed that he lacked confidence due to not being a Super Saiyan, so it leaves room for the humans to have gained a significant amount of power while still being irrelevant. There is also the mess of Gero's calculations that is another reason for the humans making decent gains.
I wasn't taking the power of the Shin Kikoho into account, just his normal power. That's the ace he had up his sleeve. If taking that power into account then I think he can at least cripple Piccolo with the power of the Kikoho, and that's not even taking into account the pushing properties. Yamcha may have had some trick as well since he was hyped to fight (He jumps right into the action and only admits he's fodder after facing #20), but his base power should likewise be fodder since even Kuririn was afraid from the get-go.
Special attacks aside, nobody cared about Piccolo's warning. Tenshinhan said he was going to show up nonetheless because he's a warrior, Piccolo was doubting his ability on his way to the Isle, and even Goku was inviting Yajirobe to join the fight. Everybody knew nobody but Goku would get to fight anyway.
Your assumptions about needing a special type of training is just that.. an assumption. Limits in Dragon Ball have been surpassed time and time again and serve as temporary plateaus rather than hard limits.
Sure, they are. But we can agree it's faster if you do something besides push ups at the side of your bed right? I mean you even brought up how Kaio said a handful of months with him is like a thousand years on earth on the other thread. You don't have to do the math to notice the humans wouldn't get multifold gains again in 3 years, specially I doubt Goku himself got many times stronger. Their gains should at least be lower than Goku's IMO.
If anything I fail to see why this should be any different than Krillin's situation. Gohan had his dormant power drawn out to its max by Saichoro no different than Krillin. Why was Gohan exclusively able to surpass his previous power by several times, but Krillin is hardly able to gain over 3 years? Your logic is warped. Sure, Gohan had sparring partners in Piccolo and Goku, but this shouldn't be seen as "special training" as you claim the humans would need to power up. So which is it? Are fighters able to gain power after reaching their limits or not? Gohan gained several million.
Goku actually begged for Chi-Chi to let him train Gohan, I don't see him doing that for Kuririn anywhere. Gohan also did the same stuff.
Gohan was still a kid and hadn't reached his peak yet. Both Guru and Karin's Choushinsui only unlocked what their underdeveloped bodies could handle, and it wouldn't be into their adulthood that they'd reach their real limits. Besides, they're Saiyans, even the limits I just mentioned got broken anyway. Saiyans are the protagonist warriors whole sole purpose is to fight. Humans, on the other hand... They could barely keep up with Goku when he was a kid without transformations.
Animelover5487 said:
I think you are stretching it saying Chaozu never made it past 1k. Chaozu was already over half of that going by guidebooks, Chaozu hardly gets any love but to say he didn't even double his battle power after Kaio training seems pretty bizarre, plus going off the anime he was already stronger than Guldo before Freeza's defeat on Namek and I seriously doubt Guldo would be part of the Ginyu Force if he was weaker than random mooks in Freeza's army, time powers or not.
Goku agreed with Tenshinhan about Chaozu being safer at home, but was genuinely happy when Yajirobe showed up. While I agree that one could still be revived by the Dragon Balls while the other couldn't, Goku acted like Yajirobe was a great adittion to the team, while Chaozu wasn't a big loss.
Gurdo could tear through Freeza's forces with his psychic powers alone. That's what makes him a great addition to the team, not his raw power.