According to the Daizenshuu, he survived.
The boss of the Rabbit Gang
History:Born in the year Age 698. Height: 159 cm, Weight: 61 kg.
First Appearance: chapter 17
Special Characteristics: The reader of the Rabbit Gang, a famous band of outlaws, who even the bandit Yamcha recognized as superior. His underlings are humans who wear rabbit ear accessories, but he himself is an actual rabbit. (Daizenshuu 4, p.49)
Techniques:turning people into carrots
Battles: He was punished by Goku, and carried to the moon….However, afterwards the moon was destroyed several times, so now it seems he’s drifting through space.
For what it's worth, the video game Attack of the Saiyans also supports him surviving, with it being revealed he left the moon before Roshi blew it up.