GreatSaiyaman123 said:
I’m not sure if the math adds up, but the fact his Kamehameha didn’t up #19 up to real SSJ tier should mean both of them were pretty trashy.
We aren't really given an indication that absorbing a Ki attack allows an Artificial Human to gather every unit of Ki from it. In fact, the wording of this statement seems to suggest otherwise:
Chapter 341 (DBZ 147), P14.6
Context: after No.19 absorbs Goku’s attack
No.20: “Alright! No.19’s maximum power rating has greatly increased from what it was before! In contrast, Son Goku’s energy has fallen remarkably…!”
Chapter 343 (DBZ 149), P7.1
Context: when No.19 asks to fight Vegeta
No.20: “You’re so greedy…Even though you sucked so much energy out of Son Goku, and have raised your absolute power…”
With how blatant Gero is talking about #19's power increasing, you'd think he'd bother to point out all of Goku's lost Ki being added to his own.
Even if we do take it as a 100% addition, it's worth noting that Gero made it apparent #19 was running out of energy too, so a fatigued #19 greatly increasing his max power from a fatigued Goku is very impressive, if anything.