sei'taer said:
Way too much stock is put into mastering SSJ.
It's something Goku and Gohan did to limit strain from the form nothing more. There's literally nothing to say that one has to do it before SSJ2.
I agree there's nothing stating anthing but I disagree there's nothing.
This partly applies to my Gotenks not having AscendedSaiyan (SS2) thread.
SuperSaiyan2 made me think about it.
The trigger for the initial SuperSaiyan achievement on Namek was rage/anger.
The same requirement was applied for Vegeta, FutureTrunks, & the same was used to trigger Gohan for AscendedSaiyan (SS2) achievement.
Daizenshuu Ex said:
(Sûpâ Saiyajin; commonly "SSJ" or "SSJ1")
Goku is the first to go through the transformation into a Super Saiyan. It is widely speculated that the Sentô Ryoku ("combat strength," or if you must, "power level") of the character must be around 180,000, which Goku reaches on Namek; this cannot be confirmed or denied, however (it's merely speculation). The transformation into a Super Saiyan is generally caused by an overwhelming sense of rage and hatred.
SuperSaiyan Grade 4 eliminated that overwhelming sense of rage & hatred.
So if the trigger for 1st achieving the Transformation is present, then how else is another Transformation requiring an overwhelming sense of rage & hatred going to be triggered.
You master it & or remove that element of an overwhelming sense of rage & hatred.