Super Saiyan said:
You're getting way too carried away in the semantics of one word.
Unless I'm clueless, "poof" is a pretty straightforwad way of implying something's instantaneous. Years upon years of destruction eventually resulting in the end of the universe isn't "poof". I'm also pretty sure there are worse cases of semantics
Pyro said:
Considering even SSJ Kefla wasn't 100% certain she could immediately destroy the universe, I don't think Pure Boo in either the manga or anime could just blow up the universe in one go.
I mean you can't be sure of anything until you actually do it, so there's that. Regardless of Boo Arc, if even SSJG can do it then so can SSJ2 Kefla.
I think Pure Boo being able to destroy the universe in the anime is a sure thing since Gohan-Boo could, but this kind of power is hinted at all the time. Wouldn't be surprised if there's a statement out there saying Saiyan Arc Vegeta can destroy the universe.
Captain Cadaver said:
Yes, he can, but did he? If he hadn't destroyed the Earth already when capable of destroying the universe, I certainly don't think he'd do so instantaneously. Elder Kaioshin also supports this by talking about how he'd gradually corrode the Earth rather than destroying it with a single blast.
If we're to get as technical with these statements as you are, this lies in direct contradiction of what you're implying Bulma is saying when she's being definitive with her statement as opposed to offering a hypothetical.
Except this isn't about what they did, it's about what they can do. He had no interest of doing it but it doesn't matter, he can do it and the mere possibility is why Bulma wants Vegeta to use the Blutz Waves machine. Likewise, Goku feels Pure Boo can destroy the universe and that's enough for him to go all out from the start.
Super Saiyan said:
You know you're wrong when SHC is liking everyone's posts but yours
I hope so because it sounds like bullshit, but

's likes can't erase Goku's statement.