is that true that osamu tezuka...

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
called akira toriyama his successor (& also nominated him as a juror for his award)? i saw that mentioned some-where i think & then i looked that up & i only saw that mentioned on other sites too i think i think but i couldn't see any sources (i think) so could that be like common-knowledge or is that jst a rumour?

if any1 can & wants to answer

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
The only mention I've seen of such a thing is one this site

Akira Toriyama is often referred to as the successor of Osamu Tezuka (AstroBoy, Kimba the White Lion) who is credited with popularizing manga in Japan and the one artist who best represents the world of manga. Toriyama followed his great success, Dr.Slump, which sold 28,110,000 copies and spawned a 243-episode animated series which was rated number one in Japan, with an even greater phenomenon - Dragon Ball - which has sold over 109,300,000 copies (as of 7/95)!! [...]

Dragon Ball has not only spawned almost 500 episodes of animated shows, but has created a merchandising frenzy with sales of 2.95$ billion in Dragon Ball-related merchandise!

Akira Toriyama has reached a status few artists can hope for. An Akira Toriyama exhibition has recently toured nine public art galleries and other venues, drawing over 3.3 million people. This is the second time in history that a manga artist has achieved this level of notoriety (the first being Osamu Tezuka and the exhibit was after his death). The National Museum of Western Art in Tokyo has made an unprecedented move by exhibiting a manga artist's work. The works of Akira Toriyama can be seen displayed with those of artists such as Monet and Miro.

This says that some consider Toriyama to be Tezuka's successor based on the impact and sales of both of his biggest franchises rather than Tezuka saying anything personally. It seems to definitely be a case of Chinese whispers/game of telephone when it comes to this note being mutated into what the thread asks as Tezuka died in February 1989, making it very unlikely Toriyama would've stood out so far above the crowd to be hailed as Tezuka as his sole successor when this was before the Z anime had started airing.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Toriyama is part of the staff that judges new artists and decide who get the Osamu Tezuka award iirc, but he's never been formally acknowledged by Tezuka himself as the next "God of Manga."

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
if osamu tezuka died in 1989 he could still have known of all of dr. slump & part 1 of dragonball i think & AT's dr. slump was a huge success with at the time having the highest 1st printing i think & also AT being listed in early 80s among the richest ppl i think.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
They were both very successful even by then, though DB's popularity still had yet t fully eclipse something such as, say, Hokuto no Ken or Saint Seiya. It seems pretty doubtful Tezuka would consider Toriyama his successor that early when there were many other prominent mangaka to at least rival Toriyama's success at the time.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
wot if he read dr. slump & dragonball (if u can & want to answer)? hokuto no ken (& even saint-seiya to an extent maybe i think) was very diff. i think. even-though dr. slump & dragonball were also maybe a-bit diff., maybe he saw dr. slump & early dragonball closer to his works than the other successful works published at the time i think.