Not really. Things such as Goku wanting Gohan to surpass him or Goku pointing out how Gohan has constantly kept up with him and the other main fighters doesn't really say much when those don't specifically mean Gohan would be the hero when he's done the exact same in the previous arcs without being the centre of attention (other than arguably the Vegeta fight where he was the one to take the win). There was still no build up to his conflict with Cell due to a complete lack of interaction between them and Cell's only act of making things personal between them (almost killing Piccolo) pales in comparison to what Nappa/Vegeta provided to Goku's personal stake in their battle(s), nevermind what Freeza did. With Cell's background and thematic relevance, it would've made more sense to the narrative to either have Goku be his main opponent or, better yet, have the catalyst of this arc that was Trunks become the hero and make him more than just the messenger of exposition. Future Trunks in many ways seemed like a more believable Future Gohan than the actual one we got with the parallels between them, both being polite half-Saiyans who can let their emotions dictate their actions on occasion (Gohan's rage bursts and Trunks attempting to do anything to stop #17, #18 and Cell respectively) and whilst both aren't as skilled as their respective father's in combat, are far more savvy in other areas and both can be seen as having their father be their weakness (Gohan getting angry when Raditz/Vegeta hurt Goku or holding back against Goku Ginyu, whilst Trunks held back Grade 3 due to not wanting to tarnish Vegeta's pride).
As for Gohan achieving SSJ, I'd say that means nothing when it had simply become the standard for any Saiyan who wanted to be plot-relevant at that point, the initial SSJ threshold of power had become fodder as soon as Cell beat Piccolo/#17 and we were made aware prior to the Cell Game his future self had attained the form too. Speaking of Future Gohan, the fact that a far older and more experienced version of Gohan with Super Saiyan was still no match for #17 further diminishes any attempted build-up for the present Gohan's eventual role.