Most disturbing anime or manga scenes?


Super Elite
Jun 4, 2015
Anime: for me it was from Claymore. There's a character's death early on that disturbed me. I even had a nightmare clearly inspired by the bitch that killed her (she transforms into a purple monster in the anime).

Yeh then you've got chapter 23 of Parasyte/Kiseijuu. Made me feel nauseous, not cuz of the bodies only, but cuz his gf may be there...slightly sickening now too (or is that cuz I ate too many biscuits?). I read that manga the same year I read Claymore (2014-15 - likely early 2015).

Those were the top two. Honourable mentions:
-Ibitsu (manga) is fucked, when she kills a girl with a sledgehammer. She also puts dead bodies or heads in plastic bags, so woman.
-Hideout (manga): some guy in an underground tunnel system who keeps people prisoner. It was disturbing, iirc mostly when having him spy on them, before he's revealed.
-Ghost Hunt anime there's an arc in a school, where there are spirits of dead children watching them near the end of the arc (not sure they even notice). And the penultimate arc is scary as fuck, but not as disturbing (well, kinda is, since it's about a guy who fucking bathes in blood and iirc there's blood stains on the walls under the wallpaper or in a secret room...idk, been 12 years. I recommend it as a horror anime, because it's worth the slog through a non-scary shoujo to get to that great horror arc).
-My Dearest Self with Malice Aforethought may have been disturbing too.
-Dorohedoro: Nikaido's backstory is quite disturbing tbh. Would be extremely disturbing IRL (you can say this about a lot of anime tho lol).

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