Who is physically superior ?

  • Goku has this won.

    Votes: 1 50.0%
  • Mr Satan has this won.

    Votes: 1 50.0%

  • Total voters


High Class Warrior
Aug 9, 2016
It's Buu Saga Goku vs Buu Saga Hercule Satan.

The way I see it is Goku etc, always reaches their physiological max all the time.

According to a theory Goku etc's physical peek was that of Mr Satan, Ki is used as the main method of reinforcement when containing such a tremendous Ki PowerLevels.
That makes zero sense as then there wouldn't be any strain placed on the body at all as Ki would take the full burden.
And that doesn't happen in the DragonBall Universe cause it does not work that way.
That's like suggesting an increased usage of electricity.
The same electricity flowing through the wire would also be used to insolate the wire itself, & that & only that prevents or reduces the passage, transfer, or leakage of heat, electricity, or sound from that wire.

That's using twice the electricity just to power 1 light.

Goku continues reaching his physiological max repeatedly, but overcomes it.
Transformations & Fusions are two of physical ways.


Even excluding Transformations & Fusions His Ki continues to grow well beyond his physical level, but his physical level can adapt, adjust, strengthened to hold & properly manage, manipulate, & maintain increased levels of Ki.

Take for example Kaioken.

Kaioken x3 & x4 put so much pressure on Goku's body that it took him a few seconds to power up Kaioken, he even vented steam.
Kaioken at that time placed so much strain on his body that being slapped on the shoulder caused him great pain & agony.

After then his PowerLevel increased & YES his Ki level increases.
HOWEVER so does the physical requirement to hold that power.
With healing & training Goku could physically handle such levels of Ki & even apply higher Kaioken multipliers then walk away like it was nothing.

My thing is with all training, fighting, etc, he physical conditioning is above average human levels.
Not Universe breaking levels but far enough to place him above someone like Mr. Satan on his best day.

Rules are No Transformation, No Ki amplification, & Goku has the same amount of Ki as Hercule Satan.
Where do you truly believe they'd stand in each of the following categories.
Pull-ups/ Chin-ups
4.3 mile run
4.300m sprint
4.Underwater swim
Bench Press
Dead lifts
Kettlebell Snatch and Swing

SO This is straight to the point.
Based on all the actual official evidence given.

I want you to determine which you think is the most physically superior character.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
If anything's been made clear throughout the series, it's that Saiyans are biologically superior to humans. Even if brought down to the same Ki level as Satan, Goku will win most, if not all, of those challenges. It's also worth noting that Satan's stamina isn't that great, as shown by him being unable to KO a regular gunman in the manga and breathing quite heavily after beating him up, whereas Goku has an immense amount of stamina when not using draining transformations, especially with his Boo Arc self having endured so many taxing training regimes such as high-altitude training, gravity training, etc. The difference in experience is just too much.


High Class Warrior
Aug 9, 2016
Captain Cadaver said:
If anything's been made clear throughout the series, it's that Saiyans are biologically superior to humans. Even if brought down to the same Ki level as Satan, Goku will win most, if not all, of those challenges. It's also worth noting that Satan's stamina isn't that great, as shown by him being unable to KO a regular gunman in the manga and breathing quite heavily after beating him up, whereas Goku has an immense amount of stamina when not using draining transformations, especially with his Boo Arc self having endured so many taxing training regimes such as high-altitude training, gravity training, etc. The difference in experience is just too much.

I have the exact same thought when it comes to it.


High Class Warrior
Aug 9, 2016
Captain Cadaver said:
If anything's been made clear throughout the series, it's that Saiyans are biologically superior to humans. Even if brought down to the same Ki level as Satan, Goku will win most, if not all, of those challenges. It's also worth noting that Satan's stamina isn't that great, as shown by him being unable to KO a regular gunman in the manga and breathing quite heavily after beating him up, whereas Goku has an immense amount of stamina when not using draining transformations, especially with his Boo Arc self having endured so many taxing training regimes such as high-altitude training, gravity training, etc. The difference in experience is just too much.

See the guy's theory is that Ki is 100% the primary source for Goku, Vegeta, Every Z-Fighter's physical attributes.
Strength, Speed, & so-on.

And without or suppressed levels Goku is no physically stronger than Mr. Satan.

His complete theory:
] [div align=center said:
Dagon's Saiyan Physiology & Ki Theory[/div]

Do Saiyans have naturally superhuman physiology, or does their superhuman strength come from their ki?

Saiyans have human-level physiological strength and durability. Saiyans' superior strength comes from their superior ability to improve their ki.

Counter-Point 1: Goku, as a child, survived a bullet to the head from a handgun. This would prove Goku has superhuman durability. Goku threw a large log several-dozen feet into the air and proceeded to punch it into several pieces. These two events happened before Goku was trained by Roshi, which includes Roshi's ki training, which would mean Goku doesn't have knowledge of ki. Thus, this proves Goku has superhuman strength and durability even as a child.

Rebuttal: Goku fired a Kamehameha just by seeing it done once, before any of Roshi's training. Goku also said Grandpa Gohan taught him some martial arts before his death. Thus, Goku has knowledge of ki prior to Roshi's training.

Furthermore, Saiyan infants and children have the ability to use ki before any formal training. Saiyan children were used to wipe out whole civilizations with no formal training. In Dragon Ball Super, Pan is able to fly and use her ki as an infant. Thus, Saiyan infants and children have an innate talent for using ki.

Lastly, a suppressed adult Goku was scratched by the bullet of a similar handgun to Bulma's. Thus, Adult Goku's pysiological durability, combined with some limited amount of ki, is within the realm of less than bullet level.

Counter-Point 2: Saiyan children are "programmed" before being sent to planets, which can include knowledge of ki use. Goku would have lost this knowledge when he hit his head and forgot everything. Pan could have had the Ultimate powerup transfered to her from her father, Gohan. Goku could have been shot with a more powerful handgun/bullet than the one Bulma fired.

Rebuttal 2: There is no statement regarding the thug's handgun that shot adult Goku in DBS. Thus we cannot conclude that it must be more powerful than an average handgun. To purport such is an assumption.
Regardless of Pan's power inheritance, Saiyan babies can withstand the 10x gravity of Planet Vegeta even when in the womb and post-birth, which would be prior to any knowledge that could be planted in their brains.

Combine suppressed Adult Goku being less-than-bullet level, with Saiyan babies withstanding 10G in-utero, Goku having knowledge/talent for ki prior to formal training, and the conclusion left is that Saiyans have human-level physiology with a natural talent for using ki and improving their ki.

Toriyama's thoughts on physical limits and ki:
Daizenshuu 6 Akira Toriyama Super Interview
Incidentally, what led you to have Goku become a Super Saiyan, or the villains to level up?
I was feeling that there were limits on mere strength, so I was generally always struggling to come up with something. I actually hadn’t planned Goku’s Super Saiyan transformation at all. Then, when I came up with the idea of the Super Saiyan, in order to show that Goku had gained a massive power-up all at once, I thought “there’s no choice but to change his form, too”. But in terms of design, the facial expressions and such would become like the design for a villain. I felt, “I wonder if it’s really OK for him to be like this.” Granted, since his transformation is accompanied by rage, I also thought, “I suppose that part’s fine.” It was a pretty radical concept. With respect to the villains, my editor would say, for instance, “I don’t like this”, and in those circumstances, I’d change it. (laughs) Before long, “they should transform” became the norm, so that was a pain.
SEG Story Volume The Truth About Dragon Ball
What is the key to winning in battle?
In battle, the most important thing is the size of your ki, and your control over it. Ki as a concept of course includes such spiritual powers as energy [genki], courage [yūki], and right-mindedness [shōki]11. No matter how much you train, there are limits to physical strength, and the only way to overcome that is through ki. I think Goku was able to approach the mightiest warriors in the universe through strengthening his ki.

"Mere strength" = "physical strength", synonymous with physiological strength. Toriyama says there is a limit to physical/physiological strength. Ki is the only way to overcome this limit. Ki is also the most important thing in battle. Furthermore, Toriyama says strengthening his ki was the reason Goku was able to become one of the mightiest warriors in the universe. This indicates ki is the determining factor for Saiyans' superhuman feats.


"If ki is the reason Goku is superhuman, how does his training work? If Goku uses his ki during training, wouldn't that make his body soft from his ki making the training easier?"

No, not if Goku is exerting himself both physically and with his ki at 100%. If both his physical and ki efforts are at their fullest, he will both improve his maximum ki level, and transitively exercise his physical body, thus keeping it in top shape.

"Wouldn't it be better not to use ki so that Goku could improve his physical state further and further?"

That would only be true if Goku's physical state were less than the utmost peak of physical fitness. If Goku still had room to improve his body, then training his body to perfection first and foremost would be the best course of action. But as we know, Goku is in great physical shape, so training without ki is unnecessary, as his physical state will still be maintained even when he trains with ki, as long as the training is hard enough to make Goku exert himself to the fullest.

The Theory in Practice:

How does this all work? How does Goku's physical state relate to his ki levels?
Imagine it like this:

Peak Physical Goku with 100% effort combined with 100% ki = 100% force exerted.
Weak Physical Goku with 100% effort combined with 100% ki = less than 100% force exerted.

Goku's physical state translates into the force exerted by his ki. Let's use Buu arc Goku as an example. While flying, base Goku failed to lift 40 tons, 10 tons strapped to each limb. Let's say, Goku at his peak physical state, while using 100% of his base ki, would successfully bench press 20 tons(his arm weights combined) once. His one-rep max. For this example, this weight abolutely requires 100% of Base Goku's ki. If Goku does not use 100% of his ki, he will fail to lift.

Now make Goku's physical body half as strong. Feed him doughnuts and make him lounge on a couch until he's half as physically fit as he used to be. For argument's sake we're going to say he is PRECISELY half as physically strong. Despite this, we're going to give him the same power level as fit Goku. If you read his ki, it's going to read as the same level as before, for peak fit Goku. Now, physically weak Goku, even with 100% of his ki, is going to max out at less than his previous one-rep max. For this example we'll say Goku's physical state translates directly into the force exerted by his ki. So a Goku that is precisely half as physically fitas prior is going to lift precisely half as much as fit Goku, even with 100% ki: 10 tons. For this example, unfit Goku exerts half as much force as fit Goku, even with the same power level.

This would be the same as if fit Goku powered down to 50% of his ki, and use 100% of his effort to lift 10 tons. It would also be the same as if fit Goku used 100% of his ki but 50% of his effort to lift 10 tons.

"If Goku needs ki to lift that weight, and his body is at a peak level, wouldn't that mean he won't get stronger at all? Physical state determines ki level, right?"

No, even if his body is in peak condition, he can still improve his overall level by pushing the limits of his ki with his training. Physical state is not reflective of ki level, as we've seen people of various fitness levels with various power levels in the series. If Goku trains with 40 tons for long enough, his upper ki limit will increase, while his body remains at its peak state because it can't improve anymore.

"How exactly does this effect Goku's physical body?"

It effects it the same as if he used no ki at all and trained at a human level. His body receives hypertrophy, micro-tears in the muscle, fat burning, etc. But if Goku used no ki at all and only trained his physical state, it wouldn't benefit his overall level because his body is already as strong as it can get. Ordinarily, over-exerting your muscles causes them to grow stronger once they regenerate, and similarly, over-exerting your cardiovascular system improves your stamina once your body recovers. Progressive overload is the key principle to physical fitness improvement. Progressively go beyond your physical limits to make your body stronger steadily over time.

But what if your body is already as strong as it can get? That's where ki comes in. In a very similar way to physical progressive overload, Dragon Ball charcters progresively oveload their ki exertion and acquire a greater ki level upon recovery. Goku won't be able to improve his ki level without this progressive overload, and since ki is exerted through effort, when Goku progressively overloads his ki exertion, he is directly and transitively doing the same for his body. The difference is that his ki can continue to improve, while his body will merely recover back to its previous peak state.

"If Goku's body can't improve beyond human levels, shouldn't that mean it would fail to contain exceptionally large levels of ki?"

Saiyan character's ability to handle ki is determined by their power level and skill level with ki control. Goku at a power level of 8,000 suffered damage under Kaio-Ken x3 and x4. Yet, later, a power level of 90,000 can handle the force of Kaio-Ken x10, and 3 million can handle KKx20.

Counter-Point: That could just as easily be Goku's physical body getting stronger in order ot handle the ki increase that Kaio-Ken causes at those levels.

Rebuttal: The Daizenshuu 7 Special Attack Dictionary specifies power level as the factor that determines the multiplier limit of Kaio-Ken:
Daizenshuu 7 Special Attack Dictionary said:
[kaiou-ken; lit. "Fist of the King of Worlds"]
First Appears

Chapter 226

Ki Manipulation

Son Goku

A technique that instantly amplifies the ki inside one's body, multiplying all one's abilities, including power, speed, defense, etc. Since it makes one capable of utilizing battle power many times their own ability, it is extraordinarily effective during battles with formidable opponents. However, because it is impossible to multiply excessively far beyond one's abilities, experimenting with an unreasonably high Kaio-ken might destroy one's own body. When the user's battle power is 8,000, their limit is x2, and when they are at 3 million the limit is x10. However, since real battles are harsh, Goku often had to use Kaio-ken above those limits. The Kaio-ken's designer is the North Kaio, but Goku was the first person to be able to master it. (Daizenshuu 2, p.212 / Daizenshuu 4, p.113)

The "limit of one's own ability" here is referring to power level, i.e. ki level, as evidenced by the proceeding sentences.

Thus, what determines how well someone handles an amount of ki is their personal skill and control over ki, and the ki they already have. Think about it like this:

How do you use water to hold a body of water? Make a bowl of ice. If the ice starts to fail from additional water weight? Add more ice. Thus water can be used to hold more water. Or rather, water can be used to hold the WEIGHT of more water. Because it's not the QUANTITY of water that would fracture the ice, it's the weight of the water; The force of the water that is exerted onto the ice via gravity.

Thus, the force that ki imparts unto the body can be controlled with the a quantity of ki and skill with ki.

"If that is true, wouldn't that mean that their power level would effectively be lower since a portion of it is being used to control the other portion?"

No. If you have a 100KG bowl of ice holding 50kg of liquid water, how many kilograms of water do you have? It's not 50kg, it's 150kg, because Ice is still water, and it still contributes to the total weight of the combined mass. 150kg's worth of force > 100kg or 50kg of force.

This would mean for something like Super Saiyan Grade 2 or Grade 3, Future Trunks could use a portion of his ki to control the other portion of his ki, and still punch with the force of all of his ki.


Saiyan physiology is the same level as human physiology. The superhuman feats of Saiyans is due to their use of ki and natural talent for increasing their ki level.

There are some posts from others that I will address in time but I wanted to post this today.

Now I've explained to him several times that while Ki is used & applied in various situations & physical strength has a limit Ki can be suppressed & used as an assist in I believe they reduce their ki level when it comes to physical strength training just enough to keep their bones from shattering & muscles from ripping apart so they get the benefits of intense weight training without danger of major injury.
Like having a spotter & wearing a weight belt.

His example & theory of Ki holding Ki I tried explaining would just burn more Ki & exhaust the user.

VampireWicked said:
Physical conditioning plays a role when it comes to the matter of Ki manipulation, Ki control, & fully utilizing the benefits of Transformations & increases in Ki itself.

" said:
The Daizenshuu entry for Bojack says "By heightening his ki, he enlarges his muscles to power up." So that indicates the muscles enlarge because the ki is heightened and the power up comes from the enlarged muscles, not merely the heightened ki by itself. These bulked up muscle forms should all behave similarly regardless of species in my opinion. They should all have the same essential functions unless stated otherwise, so if anyone wants to say Bojack or Freeza's muscle forms behave differently than a Saiyan's I say prove it. And I don't think they can.

Muscles are commonly associated with strain in Dragon Ball. Freeza's body only bulked up because his Ki size was disproportionally bigger than his Ki control, and Daizenshuu 2 does states Roshi's body bulged as a consequence of his mighty power.


So in other words If the user isn't physically strong enough then they aren't going to handle an increase in Ki without serious drawbacks.

By all means I'm not saying they're universe shattering physically strong with no Ki amplification, nothing suggests that.
DBZ Super Exciting Guide Book said:
Q. What's the trick to winning battles [in the DB world]?

A. Toriyama says it all comes down to 'ki', the size of it and the ability to control it. He says it includes several forms: genki, yuuki & shouki (energy, bravery & true character). You can only train your muscles to a certain point, it's 'ki' that carries you beyond that and what helped Goku come closer to being the strongest warrior in the universe.

The user is going to have to be well beyond Mr. Satan physical peek performance levels as that would be needed to handle powering up, applying Transformations multipliers, etc etc, or large amounts of Ki period.
They're going to have to be well beyond Mr. Satan physical peek performance levels as that would be needed to handle powering up, applying Transformations multipliers, etc etc, or large amounts of Ki period.

I believe they reduce their ki level when it comes to physical strength training just enough to keep their bones from shattering & muscles from ripping apart so they get the benefits of intense weight training without danger of major injury.
Like having a spotter & wearing a weight belt.

If Max Ki is used then which is benefitting more.
Physical strength & endurance or Ki.

A Ki assist during any effort is just that, an assist.
Why the gains after the Frieza Saga were so small.
The dependency on Transformations, & Fusions made fights easier but Base had little gains.

Physical strength is the same way.
Getting an assist while lifting the same object, the user isn't getting 100% of the physical gains if the user isn't applying 100% physical effort.
So Goku etc suppress or reduce Ki levels to apply more physical effort to increase physical stats.

"How do you use water to hold a body of water? Make a bowl of ice. If the ice starts to fail from additional water weight? Add more ice. Thus water can be used to hold more water. Or rather, water can be used to hold the WEIGHT of more water. Because it's not the QUANTITY of water that would fracture the ice, it's the weight of the water; The force of the water that is exerted onto the ice via gravity.
That's applying Ki to maintain Ki, just standing.
So burning Ki while standing to hold Ki, at the same time while flying, while fighting, while firing Ki blasts, while powering up, while as so holding a Transformation.

What I'm trying to explain is this.

The physical strength of Mr Satan trying to contain Goku's Ki from the Frieza Saga.​
You cannot over inflate a tire, over amp a battery, apply too much pressure to a garden hose, charge a cell phone with more wattage than it can handle.

A body that is not designed or trained to handle that much power isn't going to.
All of Goku's Ki dumped into Mr Satan's body would have the same result as Izuku Midoriya using All Might's power in the 1st/2nd season.

Improved physical condition allows the user to hold & manipulate Ki with much less strain placed on them physically.

I mean am I wrong, am I missing something ?
I've gone round & round with him till I got sick.

I'd answer every question or rebuttal he had & his best replies were "The guides are irrelevant" "I don't have to give you proof" "I don't have time to reply now"

So what the smurf lol.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Ki indeed plays a major role in physical capabilities, though isn't the be all and end all. Goku (prior to learning the Kamehameha) and Yamcha at the start of the series had absolutely no Ki mastery at the start of the series, yet were still easily superhuman in all capabilities. The list keeps going with other examples such as Kuririn's initial self oneshotting a sabre tooth, most of the 21st TB competitors, many of the RRA officers, etc.

Also, to help reinforce the argument you have, it's also worth pointing out that a lot of the training most characters do involve physical exercise such as Goku's weight training, Vegeta's constant use of gravity training, etc. If Ki was the primary factor of everything, all we'd see is the same kind of meditation training that Piccolo does.

Another thing to show the natural physical superiority of Saiyans is Goku's conversation to Yamcha on Kaio's planet, in which despite being several times more powerful than Goku was when he arrives, he says he can barely run.

Whilst without his weighted clothing, Goku could still run somewhat on there. You could assume he gained a vast amount of power from just running Snake Way, but I'd find it a stretch to suggest it was to the extent he'd already found himself to have gotten onto the same tier as someone like Raditz, who was top tier as far as this Goku was concerned.


High Class Warrior
Aug 9, 2016
Captain Cadaver said:
Ki indeed plays a major role in physical capabilities, though isn't the be all and end all. Goku (prior to learning the Kamehameha) and Yamcha at the start of the series had absolutely no Ki mastery at the start of the series, yet were still easily superhuman in all capabilities. The list keeps going with other examples such as Kuririn's initial self oneshotting a sabre tooth, most of the 21st TB competitors, many of the RRA officers, etc.

Also, to help reinforce the argument you have, it's also worth pointing out that a lot of the training most characters do involve physical exercise such as Goku's weight training, Vegeta's constant use of gravity training, etc. If Ki was the primary factor of everything, all we'd see is the same kind of meditation training that Piccolo does.

Another thing to show the natural physical superiority of Saiyans is Goku's conversation to Yamcha on Kaio's planet, in which despite being several times more powerful than Goku was when he arrives, he says he can barely run.

Whilst without his weighted clothing, Goku could still run somewhat on there. You could assume he gained a vast amount of power from just running Snake Way, but I'd find it a stretch to suggest it was to the extent he'd already found himself to have gotten onto the same tier as someone like Raditz, who was top tier as far as this Goku was concerned.
Thank You!

Like I told him if Ki was the primary factor them why are they feeling any physical burden as ki should take the full brunt of the usage.
Exhaustion would be the only taking a hit as Ki would diminish & they would be left completely helpless, like magic or mana.
And that was never shown.

You bring up very good points.
Physical training wouldn't be needed to build Ki & as you said the training would follow a more meditative method & applied much more.
The characters in the DragonBall Universe are reflective more towards physical martial artists that uses Ki & not primarily
Ki throwing monks or mages.


High Class Warrior
Aug 9, 2016
Captain Cadaver said:
Still arguing with the dude, cause i'm bored as smurf over there lol.
But his logic seems off to me.

" said:
Now, for that thing I was going to explain.

In any given vehicle, you can ride or drive the vehicle at any speed, literally any speed at all, and as long as your body is traveling at the same speed in a wholly consistent way, you feel no strain. You only feel the effects of speed when the change in velocity is inconsistent between you and the vehicle. You can be on an airplane traveling at 300 miles per hour, and you can get up and walk around the same as if you were on the ground, because both you and the plain are the same speed. You can be in a bullet train traveling 200mph and not even notice that the train is moving.

But yes, I can see the potential rebuttal now: "But when you go from 0-200mph very quickly, your body feels G-forces and is subject to those forces. Thus if your body is not strong enough, the acceleration can hurt you." BUT, that occurs because we as real-world humans have no sort of superpower to exert force like Ki can.

3. Perhaps the way you are thinking about it is as if the person's body is effected incongruently. When you go from 0-200mph quickly, not all parts of your body move at the same time, your blood and flesh slosh around and stress your cells and body, thus stressing the connections between cells and tissue. So perhaps you look at it as if the body is subject to force for the entire duration of the ki exertion. BUT, if ALL particles of your body, all the cells and atoms and molecules, ALL OF THEM accelerated congruently and uniformly and simultaneously together, you would feel no acceleration forces on you at all. Because all of you moves simultaneously, your body is not stressed by the acceleration.

4. For example, when the body normally resists Earth's gravity, the body must be able to resist the acceleration of gravity. Your bones, heart, muscles, etc, must in and of themselves have the ability to retain their structure and integrity under the constant downward acceleration force of 9.8 m/s².

So in this manner, a Saiyan's body only subject to forces equivalent or similar to Earth's gravity. The effort that comes with resisting 10G is not the effort of the physical body, but the effort associated with using their ki to simultaneously saturate their body and provide an upward acceleration force that negates 9G's worth of force, constantly for as long as they exist in that environment.
That's more of his logic.
I'm not a physics but that doesn't seem right to me.
Is he correct ?


Super Elite
Apr 2, 2017
You underestimating Mr. Satan, brutha. :brother The world champ took on Cell, Boo and Beerus and he didn't need no cheap Ki tricks to win. :panties


High Class Warrior
Aug 9, 2016
Pocket-Gog~ said:
You underestimating Mr. Satan, brutha. :brother The world champ took on Cell, Boo and Beerus and he didn't need no cheap Ki tricks to win. :panties

lol Yeah but I wouldn't want to be him.
If they were half way serious they could've shattered his bone.
Or worse lol.