Captain Cadaver said:It's a possibility. The Galactic Patrol were scared of Saiyans in general despite having a Planet busting weapon at their disposal. You could assume they only developed the missile some time after the events of the Jaco manga, but an assumption is all that is.
I'd say no, however. Raditz is still just a low class Saiyan, plus the Galactic Patrol could've been taking Oozaru into account. At best, he's Small Planet level via scaling from Piccolo's Moon Bust, but assuming that was indeed comparable to our moon is very questionable for reasons I've gone into in recent threads, such as the fact a moon that was either far larger or closer to Earth than our's would have some definite effect on the tides.
No. They don't have feats to support them being in a completely different destructive tier than Raditz, especially not when Ten couldn't oneshot a Saibaiman.SIAD said:And do you think someone like Krillin or Tenshinhan (Arc Saiyajin) can?
Didnt AT statebthat Raditz is an elite?Captain Cadaver said:It's a possibility. The Galactic Patrol were scared of Saiyans in general despite having a Planet busting weapon at their disposal. You could assume they only developed the missile some time after the events of the Jaco manga, but an assumption is all that is.
I'd say no, however. Raditz is still just a low class Saiyan, plus the Galactic Patrol could've been taking Oozaru into account. At best, he's Small Planet level via scaling from Piccolo's Moon Bust, but assuming that was indeed comparable to our moon is very questionable for reasons I've gone into in recent threads, such as the fact a moon that was either far larger or closer to Earth than our's would have some definite effect on the tides.
He did. In the same era, he also stated SSG Goku was 60% of Beerus' power. Meanwhile, in-universe, Vegeta refers to Raditz as a low class and that Goku is from a low class family.KyuubiAhri said:Didnt AT statebthat Raditz is an elite?
Captain Cadaver said:He did. In the same era, he also stated SSG Goku was 60% of Beerus' power. Meanwhile, in-universe, Vegeta refers to Raditz as a low class and that Goku is from a low class family.KyuubiAhri said:Didnt AT statebthat Raditz is an elite?
I'd take it as true if it were evidence with contradiction. However, that is clearly not the case and in-universe statements > unreliable Word of God.KyuubiAhri said:so do you believe the word of the creator to be takes as true or just reject it because he forgot many things?
but assuming that was indeed comparable to our moon is very questionable for reasons I've gone into in recent threads, such as the fact a moon that was either far larger or closer to Earth than our's would have some definite effect on the tides.
I was referring to the Z moon, as the drawing of it not long before Piccolo destroys it displays it as far larger or far closer than ours. I guess this confirms the latter, though given the lack of environmental changes, it probably still doesn't have the same mass.Tapion said:Nah. The moon in the first Dragon Ball series was drawn on a cartoonish and minimalist way. Toriyama said on an interview that the DB Moon was >380,000km away from Earth, just like the real Moon, so it isn't closer and would need to be at least just as big. Besides, on Z it's drawn far more detailed in comparison.
Interesting. What's the entirety of the statement? The context be useful in debates as to whether this is the benchmark for Planet level in general (ie. Small Planets) or just talking about planets the size of Earth.Tapion said:It's a definite possibility, but the El Manga Legendario guidebook states that a power level of 10,000 is the benchmark for destroying a planet. I'd be fine with what, I think.