About the original series, i'll rank a mixture of their manga and anime duels...
Yugi: 9/10 (he made a mistake against Scott at Yugioh R, not attacking Lyra the Giver, but, generally, he was great)
Tall Yugi: 9/10 (bends the rules, but still his strategies seem impressive if you don't know how to play the game)
Kaiba: 7/10 (most of his wins were due to haxed cards, also too much focus on 1500+ ATK monsters, not learning from
his loss against Pegasus)
Pegasus: 6/10 (during the parts of his duel he couldn't use the eye, he showed practically zero skill)
Joey: 7/10 (relies too much on luck and has a problem against defensive strategies)
Marik: 5/10 (without Ra, he's trash)
Bakura: 10/10 (one of the best strategists, he'd have beaten both Yugis, had it not been for Slifer's hax and ''heart of cards''
Dartz: ???/10 (lol, only hocus pocus cards, i can't decide)
Valon: ???/10 (is he the one who became a card himself in the duel? Lol, can't decide either)
Alister: 8/10 (bested Kaiba; both times, Seto won with haxed cards, Fang of Cretius and Anime Soul Exchange)
Raphael: 9/10 (not wanting his monster to go to graveyard might become a weak point)
Mai: 8/10 (a versatile player, she seemed to become better as the show progressed)
Weevil: 6/10 (his strategies seemed to require very certain conditions to work)
Rex: 5/10 (too simplistic)
Ishizu: 9/10 (even without the tauk's power, her strategy seemed powerful)
American Keith: 8/10 (i think his powerweighted theme deck would win at least 90% of the DK duels, if ''heart of cards''
doesn't help certain players)
GX Edition (i'll only rank their manga versions, since i haven't watched the anime)...
Jaden: 8/10 (a more marysued version of Joey)
Alexis: 9/10 (a great player, she lost her duels only because she wasn't a main character)
Aster: 10/10 (brilliant)
Chazz: 9/10 (i recall him making some mistakes against Bastion, but, overall, he's great)
Bastion: 9/10 (same case as Alexis)
Syrus: 9/10 (same case as Alexis and Bastion, at least after his ''zenkai'' after his duel with Jaden)
Zane: 10/10 (also flawless, like Aster)