Some weird calculations

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
This is based-on what Kanzenshuu has written on their website, so if anything's wrong that's on them. :troll :troll :troll

The Freeza Saga in the original DragonBall Z anime was 107 episodes long. 71 - 72% was canon (closer to 71) and 28 - 29% was filler (closer to 28) that means around 76 - 77 worth of episodes was canon, where-as about 30 - 31 worth of episodes were filler.

In DragonBall Kai, the Freeza Saga was 54 episodes long altogether. 91 - 92% of that was canon and and about 8% was filler, meaning 49 and a half worth of episodes were canon, where-as 4 and a half worth of episodes was filler.

The Cell Saga in DragonBall Z was long. 82.5% of that was canon and 17.5% was filler, so 63.525 worth of episodes were canon and about 13.475 worth of episodes were filler.

Now up-to the Boo Saga the original DragonBall Z was about 63 - 64% (closer to 63%) canon and 36 - 37% (closer to 37%) filler (over a third if you think about it), so rounded-up about 122 worth of episodes were canon and 71 worth of episodes were filler. To compare DragonBall Kai did the same in 98 episodes.

Some things don't add-up but it is what it is.

I know this is idiotic and no-one cares, but I thought about it.

I don't know why, I just felt like archiving this.

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