As high a Zenkai as the last one. Who wins?
Fantastische Hure Zeta Elite 25k Joined Jun 1, 2015 Messages 31,012 Age 29 Dec 13, 2018 #1 As high a Zenkai as the last one. Who wins?
Let's Go Fearless! Zeta Elite 25k Joined May 31, 2015 Messages 41,540 Age 25 Dec 13, 2018 #2 Isn't his zenkai boost smaller than an ordinary SS2 (unless you count another rage boost for Gohan) then Goku still wins IMO.
Isn't his zenkai boost smaller than an ordinary SS2 (unless you count another rage boost for Gohan) then Goku still wins IMO.
Fantastische Hure Zeta Elite 25k Joined Jun 1, 2015 Messages 31,012 Age 29 Dec 13, 2018 #3 (SSJ to SSJ2) >>> (SSJ2 to SSJ3)
Let's Go Fearless! Zeta Elite 25k Joined May 31, 2015 Messages 41,540 Age 25 Dec 13, 2018 #4 Well SEG disagree with that.
Captain Cadaver Zeta Elite Retired Staff Joined May 31, 2015 Messages 27,967 Dec 13, 2018 #5 The gap between SS3 and SS2 is far greater than that of SS2 and SSJ going by the SEG and how SS2 Goku, Vegeta and Gohan combined still wouldn't stand a chance against Boo. Cell gets oneshotted. This Cell wouldn't even reach Good Boo's level imo.
The gap between SS3 and SS2 is far greater than that of SS2 and SSJ going by the SEG and how SS2 Goku, Vegeta and Gohan combined still wouldn't stand a chance against Boo. Cell gets oneshotted. This Cell wouldn't even reach Good Boo's level imo.
Fantastische Hure Zeta Elite 25k Joined Jun 1, 2015 Messages 31,012 Age 29 Dec 13, 2018 #6 SEG is non-canon.
W withheldforprivacy Elite Suspended Joined Jun 19, 2015 Messages 8,308 Dec 13, 2018 #7 If it's as high a zenkai as the last one, he barely surpasses SSJ2 Adults.