I can understand withheld a little. I think he could have worded it a little better tho, taking off the "why was Cell expecting Goku to still fight" and focus on Cell's still apparent interest in battling Goku when he believed he killed someone whose power Cell admitted very little ago to be above Goku's. He says Goku wasn't entirely bluffing, recognising he has been surpassed, but then upon thinking he killed this fighter with a blow he shifts his attention to Goku again as if this latter was all the source of entertainment he could reach at the tournament? From a power perspective standpoint, it seems a little weird.
I also find a little weird that Cell expected to kill Gohan instantly when the kid flashed his full power all while admiting (kinda indirectly tho) that Gohan is > Goku, as Cell couldn't easily walk over Goku with his suppressed state.