Suppressed Forza vs Piccolo


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
I'd like to open a discussion based on a versus thread from yesterday. How do you view suppressed first form Froza in relation to Piccolo? What is your gap?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Freeza ought to be the stronger of the two, seeing as how Piccolo seemed shocked at his Ki and his reaction to Freeza's power up wasn't great enough to suggest it would completely turn the tables on his chances.

As for the gap between them, I'd say Piccolo should still be above Gohan at this point seeing as how he was treating himself as the main fighter in his expectations of the battle with Freeza and sensing Gohan didn't seem to change that. I'd personally place his unweighted self at about 350k. As for Freeza, Piccolo's reaction suggests his power up to 530k wasn't that giant of a jump, whereas Kuririn and Gohan never imagined his power could go so high. I'd say Freeza's suppressed level being about 80% of his full power is fine, so just over a 1.2x difference between the two.

In other words, Piccolo still gets stomped pretty bad.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
I'd say they are around equals, with Piccolo possibly having the lead here. Whilst he was surprised by Freeza's chi, such is expected when the info he had was restricted to "Freeza is way stronger than Earth Vegeta". Sensing a power that is on par with his own and in the hundreds of thousands would warrant such. He still goes to the battle field with the mentality of saving the boys, as he said to Nail. So I don't think Freeza's powers far outstripped Piccolo's until he was about to finish his power up, which was when Nail pointed out Piccolo would have no chance.

Whilst you could say that Piccolo was cosiderably weaker but they'd manage a win in the end with a team work, I find that doubtful as Freeza seems skeptical at the belief of the Ginyu force being brought down by Vegeta, Gohan and Kuririn in a time he had his scouter, so I think they were suppressed to levels at least below Captain Ginyu and therefore Piccolo would consider that when sensing their chi.


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
There wasn't any sort of reaction or some other such cue from Nail that would indicate that it's specifically Freeza's current power that now surpasses Piccolo, and there's no argument from Piccolo's side when he's told that he's currently weaker than Freeza (e.g. “Are you saying that if I merged with God once again, my power would even surpass Freeza!?” while Freeza was powering up). So I see no reason to believe that Freeza's power-up changed their standing at all when nearly any other power-up that does the same is noted for doing so.