The actual quote makes it apparent that Tao Pai Pai was more hyped up than anything.
Chapter: 120, P11.1-2
Context: Goku revealed that he defeated Taopaipai. Tenshinhan did not believe it.
Jackie Chun: “Did you really…take down Taopaipai…?”
Goku: “Huh? You too, gramps? I did so! It wasn’t easy, though…him being so strong and all.”
Jackie Chun: “Taopaipai…said to be the world’s Number One assassin…and this lad…he…he…”
Goku even mentioned his power and neglected to mention him being skillful in the slightest. As ahill said, he resorted to several dirty tricks to try to win the fight. As a pure martial artist, even Son Gohan appeared to be far more skillful imo, and he was a mere disciple of Roshi.